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Ubaid - now that you have announced a very close relationship where Inbuilds is going to work to improve and upgrade the various aircraft for Microsoft what is  the future for your involvement with X-Plane. Will we get the same enhancements that you are putting into their A310?



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Hi David,

We appreciate every single customer for their business and support during our product releases for X-Plane 11. These products were for X-Plane 11 and marketed as such. We have no comments on X-Plane 12, aircraft wise, to make currently, and our focus is very much on Microsoft Flight Simulator. We entered this business to provide the best quality add-ons. Entering a long-term relationship with the fantastic team at Microsoft Flight Simulator, allows us to do just that but to a much wider audience in Microsoft Flight Simulator.

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Sam Wheeler
Senior Management | iniBuilds

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