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More A350 2020 Issues.

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Just decided to give the A350 another go after a few updates. I did two flights and was unable to complete either. Here are some issues I am still dealing with. I wiped my WASM and reinstalled same deal.

1. The fuel calcs are crazy off. One flight it was 4000LBS off another it was 6000LBS+. I am not changing anything about the climb derate etc. Again the winds are loaded in the FMS so I am not sure why these are so far off.

2. I am now having a problem with the NWS on take off and landing and no I don't have them split in the options. Its like the Y/D is being way to aggressive or something. I can go full left or right and it barely turns etc.

3. Both FPLs I loaded into the FMS upon setting my Star etc set the Missed Approach hold before the runway waypoint....

4. On both approaches I used the red A/P Disconnect on the joystick and my throttle became non responsive. I even went into Game Controller etc to verify they were reporting correctly and they were even in MSFS the plane was just ignoring any input from me and they were frozen.

5. The TOD point calc is crazy. One time it had my T/D 190NM from the airport with 105 KT headwinds... I went ahead and let it do a managed decent and again it ran the engines at 50-70% throttle all the way down due to T/D being way to early... The winds in the FMS seem to be meaningless.

Glad to see patches coming out. That being said we have a long ways to go it seems.

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