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iniBuilds A350 Airliner for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 & 2020 v1.0.4 Released

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A350 Airliner V1.0.4 Update 🚀

This week's second update brings significant improvements in system depth and simulation fidelity, addressing multiple key areas. Along with some key work done in art. 

One of the most notable enhancements is dynamic fuel temperature simulation, ensuring fuel temperatures behave more realistically throughout the flight. A key improvement in this update is that fuel temperatures will no longer remain stagnant over long flights. Instead, there is now some natural dynamic variation, with fuel cooling occurring at a more realistic rate and never dropping below -20°C. Unlike older aircraft, the A350 features heated fuel tanks, primarily located within the wing box near the fuselage. These tanks absorb residual heat from the airframe and hydraulic systems, preventing excessive cooling at high altitudes.

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.


With update 1.0.4, we’re further refining the realism of the A350’s engine behavior, specifically focusing on accurate initial spool rates. The XWB engines on the A350 don’t react instantly to thrust input. Instead, they follow a realistic, gradual spool-up process, particularly at low power settings. This update ensures the engines respond more naturally when advancing the throttles from idle, accurately reflecting FADEC-controlled ramp-up times.


Additionally, we've made a major update to the long-winglet model for the A350-900. After reviewing community feedback and conducting further investigations, we've improved the shape and profile of the long-winglet type using newly obtained technical and image reference data. This ensures a more accurate representation. Furthermore, FS20 performance has been significantly improved by optimizing node counts and refining the system for swapping cockpits. These changes reduce CPU load, resulting in smoother frame rates and fewer stutters, especially for users on lower-end systems.

All liveries will need to be re-downloaded/updated via iniManager to work with v1.0.4 for FS20 and FS24 editions of the A350 as this was a necessary step to ensure the key fixes in this patch could be carried out at once. 


Key navigation system fixes include improving waypoint insertion stability, and fixing step altitude persistence after climbs. Additionally, the wind data logic and descent speed limit functionality have been refined to better reflect real-world operations.

WASM-related fixes were also a major focus, resolving multiple crashes linked to TCAS activation, flight plan imports, and Navigraph integration. These improvements enhance stability and usability for all users.

The team remains dedicated to continuous improvement and deeper simulation accuracy, with ongoing refinements across all areas of the aircraft systems. As always, we appreciate the community's feedback and look forward to further enhancements in the future. Stay tuned for more updates as we push for even greater realism!


Systems & EFB ⚙️🖥️
Fixed - WASM*** EFIS_Gauge_Update crash fixed 
Fixed - WASM*** Crash on CPNY F-PLN IMPORT after changing data source crash 
Fixed - WASM*** Exception c000005 in gauge SND on SB Import
Fixed - 2020 ***WASM*** MFD exception while editing SEC plan
Fixed – WASM - Repeatable WASM crash, closest airports>DATA
Fixed- WASM - Exception in Gauge MFD – TCAS
Fixed - Navigraph_FunctionResult WASM crash 
Fixed - Navigraph commbus/function WASM crash
Fixed - WASM crash when selecting FIX INFO and inserting runway
Improvement - Dynamic fuel temp simulation 
Fixed - HDG bar missing on the PFD in Raw Data
Fixed - Incorrect GD, S, F speeds in APPR page in some situations 
Fixed - Unable to DTO custom wpt
Fixed - Insert to next waypoint causing navigraph function to die
Fixed - NAV ACCUR UPGRADED should be white instead of amber
Fixed - SEC copy active did not copy the flight number
Fixed - Incorrect landing weight being displayed in some situations 
Fixed - Changing approach (but not inserting it) clears the minima in some cases
Fixed - Able to have 2 menus open in FPLN page
Fixed - THS trim "wheel" moving in opposite direction in some cases 
Fixed - Wind Data KNOT spd limit too small
Fixed - Turning SPD knob while on managed speed issue bug 
Fixed - MFD Local Time issue bug 
Fixed - Swap active not carrying over the CRZ ALT bug 
Fixed - ENG SD COOLING text alignment
Fixed - Incorrect colour coding in SEC plans
Fixed - MFD Cancel noise missing *
Fixed - SD Page formatting - CAB V/S
Fixed - Unable to reselect SLS
Fixed - No STEP DELETED message bug 
Fixed - Step Alt persistence after climbing to new alt
Fixed - HSP = too far right bug 
Fixed - Fuel over waypoints when LB selected shows T bug
Fixed -  TMPY UNDO* prompt bug 
Fixed - PFD Vls line issue bug 
Fixed - DESCENT SPD LIM and the respective SPD LIM vertical revision entry is missing
Fixed - Decel Point in F-PLAN - Does not activate approach mode/phase
Fixed - FMA change box behaviour
Fixed - FIX INFO pge not fully clearing data
Fixed - FMS F-PLN/AIRWAYS page - if you enter a wrong WPT, there is no way to "reset" the field
Fixed - LEG RNP visible in FPLN at the top
Fixed - SEC PLAN TMPY syncing with active plan on insert prior to swap 
Fixed - Wind Page CRZ waypoint logic doesn't match IRL 
Fixed - A/THR failure, thrust not locked
Fixed - ARPTs being limited
Fixed - Small zone in THR lever without FMA indication
Fixed - Anti-skid logic incorrect -1000
Fixed - EFOB on F-LPN being calculated in KG regardless of simbrief and aircraft being set to LBS.
Fixed - Copy active SEC has magenta dots
Fixed - Deleting STEP Climbs erases F-PLN in some cases 
Fixed - The SEC F-PLN PERF APPR GA Page does not consider the SEC F-PLN Destination.
Fixed - bracket behind aircraft while in offset on max zoom in bug 
Fixed - Min DEST EFOB disappears after engine bug 
Fixed - Incorrect IGNITION memo during start
Fixed - PFD: Altitude indication issue
Fixed - PFD: altitude value not centered vertically 
Fixed - FUEL&LOAD, extra on ground error
Fixed - MFD CLB incorrect display when no noise
Fixed - FO unable to capture alt constraint and not transferring to plan
Fixed - CPLDC scroll HL missing
Fixed - Cannot select CSTR,ARPT + WPT/VORD/NDB at once
Fixed - ENG FF value alignment
Fixed - FO MFD changes automatically to GO AROUND page
Fixed - GPWS 50 and 40 callouts play too early
Fixed - CPDLC cursor flash rate is too fast
Fixed - Trip wind not working in some cases 
Fixed - CPDLC normal messages should have a 10second aural delay
Fixed - Turnaround state, block fuel not cleared
Fixed - 2nd flight remembered noise values from 1st
Fixed - Polar: No SELECT TRUE NORTH REF msg
Fixed - No auto switch over to TRUE
Fixed - Step climb info crz page showing first step only
Fixed – RA faults bug 
Fixed – Extensive ECAMS review for double ECAMS bug 
Fixed - SUGT: Add sidestick AP on engage sound
Fixed - There are duplicate ECAM messages left and right side when the TO and LDG MEMO's are displayed.
Fixed - ACFT STATUS page review model/engine format
Fixed - All variable probes outside are at incorrect angles (and excessive)
Fixed - Add limit to OFP Text size buttons
Fixed - OFP page - Text size not saved bug 
Fixed - Landing Calculator using Live gross weight bug 
Fixed - OIS OFP page - add zoom feature bug 
Fixed - OIS TO Perf, MTOW perf needs to change depending on conditions/options
Fixed - OIS TO perf SYNC current WT not TOW
Fixed - OIS Maintenance: opening fueling panel and hyd refill panel opens door 1L in flight
Fixed - AFK mode to not be exclusive to time acceleration when option is on
Fixed - Can't use default ATC options
Fixed - FS20]  Report - Performance Degradation due to Enroute Map over long flights in VR
Improvement – Interactive points review
Fixed - aircraft still getting airborne before Vr or with minimal input
Fixed - ECAM Memo - Missing "SURV TCAS STBY" ECAM alert
Fixed - IR in align memo message
Fixed -  Green/Yellow HYD fault ECAM issues
Fixed - T.O INHIBIT memo disappears at rotation
Fixed - Excessive Hoppie/SayIntentions server load
Fixed - The TO SHIFT field is not calculating when manually entering TORA and other values
Fixed - OIS OFP Page - Shortcuts not working properly if using format other than LIDO | WKG
Fixed – [FS20] UPDATE NAVDATA does not clear FMS same as swapping navdata sources
Fixed - SB profile taxi amount != FMS taxi fuel

3D Art 🎨🖌️
Fixed - Long winglet model updated for -900 variant - We've listened to your concerns and concluded our investigations. The shape and profile of the long-winglet type featured on the A350-900 has been improved as per new technical and image reference data we been able to obtain.
Fixed - Rain wiper mask added to windshields in FS24.
Fixed - Various animation and alignment fixes on gear door mechanisms, hatches and panels.
Fixed - FS20 click spot inaccuracy issues resolved - system for swapping cockpits between variants in FS20 changed to increase clickspot accuracy issues several users were experiencing.
Fixed - FS24: Integral light difference in brightness
Fixed - APU flap not animated 
Fixed - Split up cockpits/cbays between 900 and 1000 export FS2020
Fixed - Bleed doors reflecting sunlight when in "IN" config
Fixed - FS24: Ice indicator light not working
Fixed - FS24: Avionics bay lights not working (red/green flashing lights)
Fixed - EFIS Mode and Range Selector lights are not tied to the ANN LT TEST Switch
Fixed - FS24: Small see through gaps on inside of engine cowlings
Fixed - FS24: No cabin variants lack physical windows from the interior - no rain drops on windows
Fixed - FS20 performance improvements - node counts optimized and system for swapping cockpits in FS20 has been changed to be more optimal resulting in less of an impact for CPU-limited users. Users on lower end system specifications have noticed a decrease in stutters and smoother frame rates when this optimization was carried out.

Sounds 🔊
Fixed - no sound for evac selector switch
Fixed - no sound for evac horn off squib
Fixed - no sound for several smooth rotary knobs
Fixed - no sound for ecam checklist buttons
Fixed - no sound on some isis buttons 
Fixed - no sound on engine man start buttons
Fixed - no sound for baro selector 
Fixed - fms keys virtually inaudible 
Fixed - some duplicate manip sound events 
Fixed - Improved apu start/loop blending

iniBuilds Team ❤️

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Matt Y.
Head of Vendors & Partners | iniBuilds

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