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Simbreif flight plan can't import A350(MSFS 2024)

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Hi, I have an issue of F-plan import with a350.

I can import simbrief data in 350 EFB, payload data and TO perf data work normally. However, I  just can not integrate F-plan in FMS. Once I press CPNY F-plan request button, it turned to request pending and no plan inserted. I don't know if it just me who has this kind of issue~~ Trust me, I have everything put correctly in options.  My navigraph and simbreif dispatch all work normally. 



You're missing something because, trust me, this works. Am in the middle of a flight so I can't go back and tell you the button sequence, OH... once you hit that CPNY request, you need to wait a couple second, it should change to a light color, then you highlight and click it again, you will then have the option to INSERT, did you see that?

Good luck!




tried~ still the same, change the airport and the plan. I got OFP correctly imported the simbrief plan, it just doesn't work with FMS 

18 minutes ago, jaybird said:

Maybe something broken in the plan? What if you choose a different route?

Further more, when I tried to put the plan manually, here is what happened

1 hour ago, moztoma said:

I have update navata with navigraph again and gain 

You dont need to do it "again and again", using the Navigraph hub, its either uptodate or it isn't...


So, speaking of "again and again", I've loaded and imported flight plans again and again. Always works. That means either you are missing a step, or something in your setup is causing a weird problem. What about removing anything in Community you might have added?



Btw, in 2024 I don’t use the navdata in the Navigraph hub. You only need to update the navdata in your A350. Maybe you are doing both?

another thing I just remembered is that you might be using the wrong SimBrief profile for the aircraft. Which one are you using?

📺 YouTube: DroneSim
7 hours ago, DroneSim said:

Btw, in 2024 I don’t use the navdata in the Navigraph hub. You only need to update the navdata in your A350. Maybe you are doing both?

another thing I just remembered is that you might be using the wrong SimBrief profile for the aircraft. Which one are you using?

I updated the navdata in my a350 of course. I don't  think I can update a350 navdata with Nav hub in 2024, there is no such option. And I use the airframes offered by  inibuilts, it can not be wrong 

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