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iniBuilds A350 Airliner for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 & 2020 v1.0.2 Released

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A350 Airliner V1.0.2 Update 🚀

This week’s build brings further WASM stability, bug fixes but also two new features. MORA and SND. Furthermore miniFCU support is now added, along with updated GSX profiles and windscreen wiping effects in FS20. 

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.

The A350 MORA (Minimum Off-Route Altitude) refers to the altitude providing at least 1,000 feet of terrain clearance (or 2,000 feet in mountainous areas) for the Airbus A350's Flight Management System (FMS) when flying off established routes.
Derived from Navigraph data and displayed on the ND (Navigation Display) of the A350 to help pilots maintain situational awareness.
In the A350, SND (Secondary Navigation Display) refers to the backup navigation mode used when the primary Flight Management System (FMS) is unavailable or degraded.


A350 SND Overview:
Function: Provides basic navigation information when the FMS is lost or inoperative.
Source: Uses raw data from radio navigation aids (VOR, DME, ILS, etc.) and GPS to continue navigating.
Activation: Pilots can manually activate SND or it may automatically engage in case of FMS failure.

Displayed Information: Basic heading, track, and position | Raw VOR/DME, ILS, and GPS data | Limited flight plan guidance

Systems & EFB 
Fixed - WASM Crash: Exception c000001d in gauge MFD when clicking SPD-MACH switch on Backup AFS CP
Fixed – WASM Crash exception Commbus callback / Navigraph_Function Result - Entering VOR 2
Fixed - WASM crash when activating SEC
Fixed – WASM EFIS exception when checking C/L menu
Fixed  - WASM MFD_Gauge_draw_execution when clicking on a STEP ALTS WPT dropdown list option that doesn't show
Fixed - WASM Exception in gauge MFD - Inserting OFFSET on ground
Fixed – WASM Crash: Insert TMPY after RWY/APPCH change whilst on DIR leg 
Fixed-  WASM crash, selecting STAR at WALL [NG data bug]
Improvement - Checklist behavior feedback
Fixed -  FLS beam is put on VSD from ALT0ft not airport ALT see here VKNT VOR02 
Fixed - ILS beam on VSD at 0' 
Fixed – Checklist logic elements improved: Checklist auto reset after 2nd engine shutdown + 5 minutes, Checklist auto resets to after takeoff checklist in a go around, Checklist auto resets in case of a power cycle
Fixed - DTO w/abeams and DISCON issue
Fixed - DTO after DTO w/abeams
Fixed - checklist crash after going completing a few checklists
Fixed - DISPLAY NAV and DISPLAY FIX do not have any effect on the ISIS.
Fixed - The PACKS on the Before Takeoff Checklist below the line should be a sensed item.
Fixed - Clicking CL complete doesn't have an immediate effects
Fixed - ND missing TCAS STBY message bug 
Fixed - Confirm TO Speeds prompt issue bug
Fixed - Fix info range ring limited to 256nm bug 
Fixed-  SEC PERF issue bug
Fixed-  Sec swapping active does not transfer TO data bug 
Fixed - Radius on fix page has overlapping text bug
Fixed - Blue arrow by MFD drop down menu bug 
Fixed - Cruise page shows T when LBs selected bug 
Fixed - QNH/STD box flashing rate looks slow bug 
Fixed - SEC menu overlapping issue bug 
Fixed-  PERF - APP Page unable "none, no, nodh or no dh" bug 
Fixed - You can not manually tune ILS frequencies on NAV AID page that have two numbers behind the decimal, for instance 109.75, It only allows 109.7 which becomes 109.70.
Fixed - Incorrect ovfy triangle next to T/D
Fixed - TCAS: ND showing TA ONLY despite TCAS in STBY while the XPDR is on
Fixed – Battery voltage dynamic behavior 
Fixed - TL issues with +5000ft elev airports
Fixed - ATIS request button grey out with no delay when clicked
Fixed - FIX INFO not displaying correct
Fixed - INIT Page - TRIP WIND data entry format wrong
Fixed - Manually tuned M remains in this case
Fixed -ARRIVAL page ILS not matching the NAVAID page ILS
Fixed - FIX INFO page - RADIUS - wrong range - should be 1NM to 9,999 NM
Fixed - Baro minima of 5 digits overlap in FMA
Fixed - On TRK/FPA if on NAV FCU shows HDG iso TRK
Fixed - Sequencing of flight plan after entering an airway
Fixed -Can't do FIX info on custom waypoints
Fixed - SEC copying active missing some fields
Fixed – Yellow failure bug fixed 
Fixed - BTV keeps FMA change box for longer than 10"
Fixed - IDENT command not being sent to SC
Fixed - Sec 3 page - Dropdown overlay does not hide
Fixed - Font for ADS-B uses D as degrees symbol
Fixed -CPDLC sending back accept as plain text
Fixed - Auto callout RETARD issue 2
Fixed - Brake Pressure gauges do not indicate braking pressure when aircraft induced autobraking
Fixed - TA/RA warning on ND when aircraft is far ahead with enough separation
Fixed - Incorrect GD, S, F speeds in APPR page
Fixed - Odd clipped level off arrow in ND, related to FCU and -ALT CSTR interaction
Fixed- Incorrect HOLD speed
Fixed - AP and ATHR behaviour when PRIMS fail 
Fixed – IRS behaviour bugs 
Fixed - RNV approach NM in PFD shifted
Fixed – SMART A.FLOOR logic 
Fixed - LAT/LONG coordinates no wind/temp data + calculations off
Fixed - Step climbs not auto importing from SB
Fixed - Insert to next waypoint not sequencing correctly
Fixed - Airport direction arrow missing
Fixed - BTV logic feedback
Fixed - BTV disarming and engine out situation
Fixed - ANF - Missing SET PLAN MODE message in ND ARC/ROSE mode when pressing DISPLAY AIRPORT on ARPT SEL page
Fixed-  Rwy condition format colour
Fixed - Offsets deleted in TMPY f-plan
Fixed - Unable to pop out screens
Fixed - Display brightness bug.
Fixed -ECAM SD light always lit
Fixed – SURV system logic improvement 
Fixed-  Check L1/2 interactive point location for clipping with jetway bridge canopy
Fixed - Implement GSX profiles from FSDT
Fixed - On the ECAM LDGT LT message is visible whenever the landing light is on
Fixed - Engine pitch behaviour improved 
Fixed - [v1.0.0][359][FS24][PF] Hot brakes smoke effect is excessive
Fixed - Added miniFCU compatibility
Fixed - FMA - 3. SPD SEL XXX not displayed on FMA row 2 when preselect is programmed and takeoff thrust is applied.
Fixed - Airport direction arrow missing
Fixed - ANF - APT SEL page - Search by City Name - Text overflow on list (white) and field (yellow/green)
Fixed - Rwy COND/BRAKING action indication
Fixed - No hold turn arrow in edge cases 
Fixed - Engine inlet condensation still appears bug in weird conditions 
Fixed - Missed approach on F-PLN should be in blue, currently is green in edge case 
Fixed - Auto GPU disconnecting even when in OFF. This option can be toggled in the OIS. ON = When beacon is selected it will disconnect the GPU and remove chocks. OFF = GPU and chocks must be removed manuall

3D Art & Screen Elements 🎨🖌️
Fixed - Small see through gaps on inside of engine cowlings
Fixed -  APU door not animated
Fixed - Fuel Jettison ARM/ACTIVE missing clickspot
Fixed - FS20 Beacon light incredibly bright & not correctly placed? See ref
Fixed - FS20 Strobe lights not bright enough
Fixed - heading knob doesn't have animation
Fixed - No contrails in FS2020
Fixed - Gear clipping into fuselage
Fixed - Rain effects in 2020
Fixed - ULTRA vs MEDIUM texture RES messes with weathering, see ref

Sounds 🔊
Fixed - Oxygen Test volume increase
Fixed - Flap sound mixing adjust
Fixed - Tweaked thump on rotation
Fixed - Wiper volume increase
Fixed - Default ground roll volume level increased
Fixed - Ground roll <30kts Tweaked
Fixed - Smoothened the gear drag mix post rotation
Fixed no GPWS "5" callout
Fixed - GPWS vol level tweaks
Fixed - Tweaked engine pitch at lower N1
Fixed - Cabin announcement distancing tweak
Fixed - Cockpit wind sound intensity slider added
Fixed - Rain sound level adjusted in flight
Fixed - Idle eng level tweaks

We have identified some deep edge case scenarios that may result in a WASM crash but they are difficult to reliably reproduce. We continue to test and refine these but ask for your patience during this process

Other ✍️
We note that there are a few flight model mods available on certain websites. We wanted to take the opportunity to highlight the iniBuilds A350 Airliner flight model takes advantage of the latest Asobo CFD technology coupled with custom fly-by-wire code. Comments and updates from community regarding flight model cfgs are mostly irrelevant, or a placebo effect, as they have little to no effect on how the aircraft performs in sim. We have tuned the plane to fly as closely to real life with the support of our technical working group and A350 pilots team.

To address 1 mod file, and the impact it may or may not have to the product you have purchased:

Mod File Feature List:

  • Major Flight Stability Increases (aircraft should feel much heavier on the controls, will be improved on)
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

  • Corrected Reference Speeds (Overspeed Limits increased, set to real values) Overspeed and Cruise Mach
    iniBuilds: Fixed in v1.01 

  • Reduced Thrust Multiplier (lower overall thrust output).
    iniBuilds: Only effects total thrust. Reducing it as indicated will have a negative/unrealistic impact on SRS

  • Increased Ground Friction (initial roll requires thrust increase)
    iniBuilds: Unrealistic modification as this was tuned as per IRL references and pilot feedback. 

  • Reduced Elevator Trim Speed (slightly)
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

  • Slower Spoiler-on Deploy timing (mostly in-flight, the spoilers seem unaffected)
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM.  Can be adjusted slightly in cfg’s but this is not realistic. 

  • Custom Flight Dynamics Overhaul.
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

  • Improved Flare and Rotation Behavior (looking into this).
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

  • Slower Spoiler Deployment (looking into this, may not be needed after V1.0.1).
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

  • Improved Fuel Flow Scalar (looking into this).
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

  • Improved Climb-Lift Ratios.
    iniBuilds: Unrealistic modification as this was tuned as per IRL references and pilot feedback.
  • Brake Changes (higher priority, looking into this also).
    iniBuilds: This is not possible or true as its controlled via our WASM. 

To conclude, we hope you enjoy this new update. We are monitoring all feedback and we are committed to improving this very detailed A350, to be even better. We just want to raise awareness that using unofficial mods like this will have a detrimental effect on your experience, and if it’s a legitimate bug in accordance with how the real aircraft operates, rest assured, if the bug has been filed correctly on our forums, we will ensure it is resolved in an upcoming patch. 

Happy flying,
iniBuilds Team ❤️ 

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Matt Y.
Head of Vendors & Partners | iniBuilds

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