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Just wanted to see if I'm not alone with the A350 problems in the moment, or just because of my old rtx4090 and I9 machine? Or probably not right settings?

As I have no probs with ultimate settings on all other planes A320 FBW / fenix 319/20/21 A380 FBW...


The A320 inibuild for 80 Euro is a wonderful model but for the moment not for flying purposes....

I have reduced the textures from inimanager, took the empty cabin model.. I did not try Navigraph upload due to continous freezings within the last days.

So after the update yesterday tried to make a short flight from EDDM/EDDN. Startup ok, put in all tracks by hand in mcdu not by EFB. Nearly all worked fine, good depart, climb,

till cruise climb and changing the arrival runway at EDDN on FL80 in the system. 

Hey Freeezing..... again!  Just try with simbrief to be sure that it is again not working...


Dear support team any chance to get this wonderful plane flying without freezing?


Next thing I was suprised: 

1.) On ground handling with pedals:

nearly impossible to turn left / right? Pushed /Pulled the tiller button, some other possibilities but no chance to get the plane turning right on taxiway 😞

Extreme strange flight behaviour like a ultralight or CUB :-)) the roll rate and shaking while minimal wind and clouds is not real...

Comments welcome!!

Have a hopefully relaxing sim sunday!

6 hours ago, Gipfelgitter21 said:

Just wanted to see if I'm not alone with the A350 problems in the moment, or just because of my old rtx4090 and I9 machine? Or probably not right settings?

As I have no probs with ultimate settings on all other planes A320 FBW / fenix 319/20/21 A380 FBW...


The A320 inibuild for 80 Euro is a wonderful model but for the moment not for flying purposes....

I have reduced the textures from inimanager, took the empty cabin model.. I did not try Navigraph upload due to continous freezings within the last days.

So after the update yesterday tried to make a short flight from EDDM/EDDN. Startup ok, put in all tracks by hand in mcdu not by EFB. Nearly all worked fine, good depart, climb,

till cruise climb and changing the arrival runway at EDDN on FL80 in the system. 

Hey Freeezing..... again!  Just try with simbrief to be sure that it is again not working...


Dear support team any chance to get this wonderful plane flying without freezing?


You are not alone, friend. I also have a freeze after takeoff. It's a pity that I ruined two weekends in pain with airplane problems, but in the end I didn't solve anything.


I have also a 4090 and using MSFS 2024 beta I get many stutters. When starting of a big hub airport is the stutters increase much more. I thought it was a settings issue but I think it has more to do with the optimization of the A350…

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