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I was extremely looking forward to this release...tonight i flew two legs for 4 hours online at vatsim with friends....i was whole evening busy handling the shortcomings.

Clickspots on the FMC screen are not working okay too, sometimes it works right away and sometimes you need to click 5 times, when entering a different waypoint on the fly you loose your whole flightplan, on final you can not hear the ATC because of the extreem landing gear sound, no charts in the cockpit etc etc...

Inibuilds must have known all this, because they tested this....i fly in MFS2020 in VR but when i fly it in msfs2024 in VR i loose my mousepointer all the time and my toolbar. That is probably MS fault and not inibuilds. In MSFS2024 I do have Niavigraph charts...but 20204 is unflyable.

It is a shame that companies like MS and inibuilds think that they canb come away with this, just trow the product on the market when you think now we need the customers money....finish it later.

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Inibuilds must have known all this


When a product goes out to a wider group of users, issues that the mere 10 people didn't notice during testing are revealed. That is why most companies have something called "day 1 patch" for any software releases, whether that being a game or a product such as this. I more than understand the frustration and I myself would not want issues such as these plaguing a product I've been anticipating. Now we have released a patch just under 2 hours ago that should address many of the issues users were having. 

There will continue to be issues being reported in and the product will never be perfect but, we can do our best to get it damn near close. Our team is working overtime every day since release fixing every single thing coming our way. 

Again, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and truly hope your opinion on the matter is somewhat bettered now that we've pushed this hotfix patch. Thank you for your understanding.

Community Manager 
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

There will continue to be issues being reported in and the product will never be perfect but, we can do our best to get it damn near close. Our team is working overtime every day since release fixing every single thing coming our way. 

Since when does not even being able to take off because of WASM crashes count as "product will never be perfect"?!

You decided to take people's money and give them an empty charade instead of a usable addon. Borderline a scam.

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WASM crashes are impossible to identify without having them reported back to us. There are hundreds of things that a user can do that triggers one and them being reported to us is the only way we can fix them. Our testing group identified MANY that were fixed prior to release. We are doing what we can as fast as we can. We did not sell this product knowingly of WASM issues that hadn't been fixed. 

A patch went out today, just over 48 hours since release, addressing a lot of the reports that we have receieved. No product is perfect. 

Community Manager 
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Thank you Eddy for your reaction to my post.

I have downloaded and installed the update and am happy to see the charts are now working and the hard rumbling sound after lowering the gear is gone.

For now I still have to do a few more flights to see but the things that I hope that will be adressed in the next uopdate are:

- Engine sound during descent when the engine turn to idle are not realistic (harsh whoosh sound wich should not be there).

- Clickspots in the displays still not accurate, sometimes have to click 3 or 3 times to get any reaction (but seems to be better then before.

- There still is a "Crash sound" to be heard after rotating the aircraft on take-off.

The update came right on time for me, now I will not park it in the hanger but keep making flights with it to see how it goes further.

Thanks again !


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