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MSFS 2020, A350: Time Compression, ZFW and Freeze issue.

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1. I can't change Time Compression by key combi R and Ctrl Numpad Plus or Alt Numpad Plus. How can I do Time Compression? I tried from the EFB SIM options. Only x2 is available. x4 not possible.

2. In FBW A380, when I place the mouse cursor in ZFW field of the EFB, it shows the Max ZFW. But in IniBuilds A350 I can't see the max ZFW which I need to see when I don't use Simbrief.

3. During cockpit preparation with FMS, aircraft display freezes. I have to re-load the plane. Please help.


Haseen Ahmad

VGHS, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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