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How to - Verify and Report WASM Crashes?

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 What is WASM?

The WebAssembly Module (WASM) is a container for running programmes written in other langauges (eg C/C++) that is then converted to native code ahead of time (as DLLs) during first launch (WASM Compilation). This helps improve performance for subsequent uses but causes longer load times on first launch. See for more info: 


This improves security of the sim and portability of projects across PC/Xbox. In case of issues, only the WASM crashes instead of the rest of the sim along side with it. This is why the sim and some functions may continue to work, however other systems and displays that use WASM on the aircraft become unresponsive or "freeze" in place. 

So what to do in case of WASM crash?

  • Do not close the sim/restart flight immediately
  • Verify the WASM error message
  • Report the WASM error message with reproduction steps using the guide below.


Verify WASM Crash in Sim

Step 1. Enable Developer Mode via Settings > General > Advanced Options 


Step 2. Enable the Console by pressing "~" key on your keyboard or using the Dev Toolbar at the top of the screen


Step 3. Filter the Console by Error messages only by clicking on ⚠️Warning and ℹ️Messages to disable them
(remove blue box border around them). 


Step 4. Type 'WASM' in the search box. Find the WASM Error and Copy the message. Also take a screenshot of this console window for making a report.


Report WASM Crash on Forum

Step 5. Paste the WASM Error message and screenshot of the Console obtained in Step 4 above into a forum post WASM Crash Report.

Step 6. Take note of what you pressed or things you did, just before you noticed this crash happen.

Step 7. Verify if you are able to repeat the crash by following those same steps.

Step 8. Please provide the following information

  • Aircraft: A350-900 or -1000
  • Simulator: FS2020 or 24
  • Navdata Method: SIM DEFAULT or NAVIGRAPH
  • OFP: Include a PDF of your Operational Flightplan (OFP) if related to FMS/Route Procedures crashes
  • WASM Error: The error you copied in Step 4 above
  • Specs: CPU, GPU and RAM of your system.

Step 9. Where possible, include on your report

  • Screenshot / Video showing what you pressed/did just before the crash happened to give us more clues. 
  • steps on how to reproduce the crash so that we can try ourselves with debugging tools to identify the cause of crash.

These types of WASM crashes are actionable depending on your reports of the steps taken immediately before the crash happened. If reproducible on our end by following the same steps, can be debugged and resolved more efficiently. 


Example WASM Crash Report

I had this WASM crash when I clicked the VIDEO button on the center pedestal.

To reproduce

  • Load at gate
  • Power on aircraft (Battery, GPU)
  • Click VIDEO button
  • Systems freeze 


  • Aircraft: A350-900
  • Simulator: FS24
  • Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH
  • OFP: Not required, happens on any route
  • Specs: Ryzen 5800X, RTX 3070, 16GB RAM
  • WASM: Error during MFD_gauge_draw execution. Error code : 0xc0000005



Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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