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16 hours ago, ryanliu0325 said:

my sim freezes when i try to import my flight plans from Sim brief, i can still hear the sound from the sim, but its completely frozen.

You need to ensure that you are on the SU1 Beta , had the same problem, opting into the beta and restarting fixed the problem 


Ok , but if someone don't want to risk with SU1 beta. I don't want to uninstall and reinstall msfs as they are say it might happen. I am not a beta tester after all.


That brings on another issue on the Microsoft end. I signed up for SU1 via the insider app and no matter what I try. Still can’t get the update to show up (rebooted multiple times)

it says the computer will recognize it in a couple hours if the rebooting method doesn’t work but it’s been well over 24 hours at this point.


If you can get the SU1 beta without any problems. That should be the easiest fix for this issue. But if your like me. Then I’m not sure what to do at this point other than waiting for the official release for SU1

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