richboy2307 Posted February 10 Posted February 10 SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Keyboard and Cursor Control Unit (KCCU) is part of the Control and Display System. They are directly connected to all the display units for normal operations and for reconfiguration purposes. There are two identical Keyboard and Cursor Control Units (KCCUs) on the pedestal: ‐ One KCCU for the Captain (CAPT) side FMS/ND ‐ One KCCU for the First Officer (F/O) side FMS/ND You can use the KCCUs to: ‐ Display the various FMS pages on the MFD ‐ Enter and modify data on the MFD FMS pages ‐ Perform some flight plan revisions on the ND. - Interact with the MAILBOX (Click to enlarge image) The important KCCU controls for the FMS are: (A) The ESC key Cancels the current field edition, or The field returns to the last valid value. Closes a pop-up window or a menu. (B) The CLR INFO key Clears the message that is currently displayed in the FMS, ATC COM, or SURV message area. (C) The Direction UP/DOWN ARROW keys. Work similarly to the KCCU scroll wheel to scroll through a page or changes the selection in an option-list. Example, on F-PLN page, move between waypoints line-by-line. Also used for stepping between waypoints when on ND PLAN mode for flight plan preview. Example, on DEPARTURE or ARRIVAL pages, required for scrolling between dropdown options-list to select the Runways, SID/STAR/APPR etc. (D) The FMS shortcut keys Used as an alternative way to switch between the various MFD FMS pages. Moves the cursor back to the MFD, if the cursor was previously on another display. DIR: Displays the FMS DIRECT TO page on the MFD PERF: Displays the FMS ACTIVE/PERF page (on the panel that corresponds to the active flight phase) on the MFD INIT: Displays the FMS ACTIVE/INIT page on the MFD NAV AID: Displays the FMS POSITION/NAVAIDS page on the MFD C/L MENU: Displays the CHECKLISTS page on the MFD F-PLN: Displays the top of the flight plan on the FMS ACTIVE/F-PLN page on the MFD DEST: Displays the bottom of the destination flight plan on the FMS ACTIVE/F-PLN page on the MFD SEC INDEX: Displays the FMS SEC INDEX page on the MFD SURV: Displays the SURV CONTROLS page on the MFD ATC COM: Displays the ATC COM REQUEST page on the MFD (E) The ND, MFD and MAILBOX keys ND: When pressed, moves the cursor to the onside ND MFD: When pressed, the cursor moves to the onside MFD. MAILBOX: When pressed, moves the cursor to the mailbox (F) The ENT key - Edits an entry field: The cursor is positioned in the field, and is ready for a new entry When data is entered, another click validates the entry, and the cursor moves to the field or button that is most likely to be used next - Edits an option-list: The option-list opens, and the first option is selected You may use the scroll wheel or the direction arrow keys, to change the selected option, if required Another click validates the selection, and the cursor moves to the field or button that is most likely to be used next - Activates the highlighted button. (G) The Scroll Wheel Works similarly to the Direction UP/DOWN arrow keys. Changes the selection in an option-list Scrolls through a page (e.g. F-PLN page or message list CURSOR OPERATION - MOVING BETWEEN DISPLAYS Each KCCU displays a different cursor. In the real aircraft they would be individually controlled by their respective Cursor Control Device (CCD) trackball, however for simulation purposes they will simply follow your mouse cursor within the respective boundaries of the currently active CAPT/FO display. Captain (Left) and First Officer (Right) Cursors Quote Note: Only one cursor can be controlled at a time. For example on the MFD FMS Pages as you move your mouse over the boundary of the Capatin's FMS towards the First Officer's FMS, the cursor will automatically switch over from one to the other. The cursor is moved between the MFD, ND and MAILBOX displays by one of the following methods: via KCCU: Click the ND, MFD or Mailbox key to move the cursor to that display respectively. via Mouse: Click once anywhere on the display to make it the active cursor display (Click to enlarge image) Quote Note: Each cursor will only be active on ONE display at a time. You must use the keys or your mouse to move the cursors between displays. Each cursor can be set independently as it will only remain on its respective side of the cockpit. For example you can set the Captain's Cursor to CPT ND whilst leaving First Officer's Cursor on the FO FMS MFD independently. (Click to enlarge image) INTERACTIVE ELEMENTS When the cursor is moved over an interactive element of the display unit, a light blue box appears around this element. You may then left-click on your mouse to begin the interaction such as allow text input or open the relevant page/drop-down menu for that element. For example on the MFD FMS Page, the 'ACFT STATUS' button below is highlighted to indicate you can click it to open the 'ACFT STATUS page'. (Click to enlarge image) For example on the ND, the waypoint 'DIMKI' is highlighted to indicate it can be clicked top open the drop-down menu of various FMS functions for that waypoint. (Click to enlarge image) DATA INPUT - KCCU OR KEYBOARD When you click on a data field, you will see a light blue flashing cursor box within the data field meaning you can use the alpha-numeric keys on the KCCU to enter the desired values. Click the ENT key on the KCCU to confirm the input or the ESC key to exit the field. To activate KEYBOARD INPUT, press the Left Ctrl key on your keyboard once. You will see an amber KEYBOARD INPUT ACTIVE message at the bottom to confirm activation. Then you can use your hardware keyboard for data input. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm the input. The KEYBOARD INPUT mode will de-activate automatically after. To manually de-activate KEYBOARD INPUT, you can press Left Ctrl key again once. Then click the ESC key on the KCCU to exit the field. LIST OPTIONS SELECTION - ARROW KEYS OR SCROLL WHEEL When an option-list opens, the first option is selected. You may choose the other options on the list by one of 2 methods below: Cursor Selection: Hover your cursor over the desired option and left click to confirm selection. KCCU Selection: Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys or the SCROLL WHEEL to navigate between all of the options on the list. Then click the ENT key to confirm the selection. (Click to enlarge image) Quote Note: The scrollbar on an option-list cannot be controlled via mouse cursor input. You must use the KCCU arrow keys or scroll wheel to show the other options in the dropdown. 2 1 Vrishabh Sehgal ( @Richboy2307 ) Community Team Member & Tester iniBuilds Ltd. |
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