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Switch Assignments - FS24 Controls

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In many aircraft in MSFS24, I can assign buttons on my controllers to functions like STROBES ON, STROBES OFF, LANDING LIGHTS ON, LANDING LIGHTS OFF etc.

For the A306, the switches on the overhead do not seem to take any assignments from the MSFS24 Controls Menu for the abovementioned functions.

Will this be implemented or do we have to use a product like FSUIPC and use variable functions specific to the Inibuilds aircraft?

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I believe it is currently mapped to the "TOGGLE" commands for those lights, same as on FS2020, but thanks for feedback, shared with the team.


In the meanwhile however, you can also use external tools like Mobiflight (Free) or FSUIPC/Axis&Ohs/ SPAD.Next (Paid) to manipulate the respective LVARs directly. You can find the relevant LVARs listed on this handy mobiflight site here: https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/?aircraft=A300&system=Lights


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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