Administrators mattY Posted December 4 Administrators Posted December 4 v1.1.3 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update brings many fixes and also compatibility to MSFS2024! Take a read through another extensive changelog below!Please note, this version does not include the additions and changes that have been introduced for the A300-600R Premium for MSFS2024, you can find more information on this -> here. This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.v1.1.3Art Fixed - Gap behind rain rep panel Fixed - Z-Fighting near PEDESTAL LIGHTING knob (only with IDC Radios) Fixed - TRP decals floating above model Systems Fixed - [VNAV] DECLL level distance seems too short putting me ILS at 240kts for 3 approaches tried Fixed - [RW Pilot Feedback] FU showed incorrect figure in flight Fixed - EPR/N1 Throttle position indicators on EPR/N1 gauge with engines of Fixed - Preset speed in descent behaviour Fixed - TOD Disappeared after DIR TO whilst on HDG SEL, then selecting NAV to resume navigation Fixed - IMM DES not respecting FCU Target Altitude Fixed - Cabin pressure control system does not take into account landing field elevation Fixed - [AFS] Phugoid oscillation during AP ILS - multiple user reports Fixed - Random Crash - Fuel runs out - Video / User Report Fixed - VNAV Issues - Descending too early / capturing speed target too early Fixed - WASM CRASH - XBOX - Request Winds Fixed - SEC F-Plan crash Fixed - [IDC] Some Hoppie messages severely delayed Fixed - FMS Progress Page VOR/DME Station behavior & formatting Fixed - [ECAM] Oil Delta T mirrored on both engines Fixed - [ECAM] "NORMAL" message frozen after recall Fixed - [ND] WXR Image does not change with range Fixed - Weight prefilled in RC7, ZFW 212.5, ZFW CG 27% Fixed - C&D - WINDSHEAR aural alert played when ANN LT switch set to Test, event without any power Fixed - INIT B is pre-filled on spawn at gate Fixed - In-game ATC has no voices Fixed - IRS 2 Overhead warning - not going into ALIGN mode Fixed - [AFS] P.DES does not arm when conducting RNAV APPCH (NAV+P.DES) Fixed - [AFS] Acceleration at THR RED instead of ACCEL alt Fixed - WASM Crash - VHHX (Dep or Arr, doesn't matter) + wind data Fixed - [ECAM] OIL Temp doesn’t come down after engine shutdown Fixed - WASM Crash - ALTN airport data Fixed - VOR jumps around in PLAN mode Fixed - Doors warning ECAM inhibition Logic - APU SD Page not shown automatically when doors are open EFB Fixed - [PERF CALC] Landing Distance longer with 30/40 vs 15/20 Fixed - INIT B - ZFW Autofill does not match EFB ZFW Fixed - Door Arming Logic / Option Reversed Added - TO/LAND Perf Calc - Runway Selection menu sorting improvement Fixed - Maintenance - "Finish now" not working with Service Engine 2 Matt Y.Head of Vendors & Partners | iniBuilds
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