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How to - set custom LAT/LON waypoints for navigation?

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You can create 'custom waypoints' using their LAT/LONG in the DATA menu. Then you may recall these custom waypoints with whatever name (IDENT) you defined for them for use on the F-PLN page.

To define custom waypoints:

  • Find the LAT/LON coordinates of the point you want to add onto the MCDU. You'll find this info typically from your OFP. image.png.f70e17224b99aad6b33f2275a8bd000c.png
  • On the MCDU press DATA > Next Page > Waypoints (L1 LSK)
  • Here if you have already defined a waypoint before, it will show up its IDENT and let you create a NEW WAYPOINT (R5 LSK).
    If you haven't made any before, then simply give it a name of your choice (E.g. ETOP1) and then enter its LAT/LONG (L2 LSK) in the format DDMM.MB/DDDMM.MB (E.g from above OFP, ETP 1 = 3402.5N/14001.1W)
  • To save it click STORE (R6 LSK), note the displayed format will vary slightly from what you've entered
  • Then return to F-PLN page, and insert your desired waypoint where you want it. Note you must use the same IDENT as defined above (e.g. ETOP1)
  • You can add new custom waypoints (upto 20) or delete existing ones from the DATA index page 2, via the STORED WAYPOINTS (R1 LSK) page.


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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