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How to - Fuel & Payload Management

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There is an Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) located on either side of the cockpit (Captain and First Officer) which is intrinsically linked to the aircraft Flight Management System (FMS). It is also linked to some core simulator functions like setting your desired fuel and payload.

Simply click the Menu buttons on the left to navigate the pages.


Payload Page – This page allows you to set the fuel and load on the aircraft and apply it to the FMS.

You can set your fuel and payload manually using the sliders or typing in the values into the text boxes. Alternatively, the 'Download SimBrief' icon* allows you to import your planned fuel and payload directly from your OFP.

*Note: This feature only works after you have entered your Simbrief Pilot ID on the Options page. Your Pilot ID is found on the 'Account Settings' page on Simbrief.


Options Page - Ensure your Simbrief Pilot ID (2) is entered in the EFB Options tab (1).

Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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