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iniBuilds Los Angeles (KLAX) for MSFS v1.3.0 Released


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v1.3.0 of iniBuilds Los Angeles (KLAX) for MSFS has been released. This update contains a variety of new changes, from the re-designed taxiway layouts on RWY24L/R, to changes of static GSE to accommodate the brand new - official GSX Profile, as well as some other smaller changes.

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.


- Added official GSX profile (v1.0)
- New up to date taxiway layout
- Some static GSE been moved or removed completely to accommodate GSX
- Further optimisations to some GSE models
- Fixed various elevation issues
- Gate 159 Wall not flat
- Missing Cargo buildings near south FDX Ramp (Taxiway A2)
- Gate 155 Jetway too high
- Updated wig wags

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Matt Y.
Head of Vendors & Partners | iniBuilds

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