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Take off roll issue


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Hi everyone, 

I wanted to run past you a issue which I have tried to fix and so far not been able to rectify. 

Just to set the scene, I have the A320 installed and one VA livery.  I have the HOTAS X56 connected, I have a separate control profile for the A320 in MSFS. 

The issue I  have is that during take off role the aircraft starts to veer off to the right excessively. I have to apply max left hand rudder, even that isn't enough to correct to swing to the right. 

I have checked the engine throttle calibration and checked that both engines spool up equally. I have tested with having a nose wheel steering axis set and removed in MSFS. This has not made any difference.  I have turned off and on options with in the EFB and retested, again still not found a solution.   I have uninstalled and reinstalled, again, still no improvement. I have not even tried a landing as I have not yet made it off the ground without ploughing a new runway. 

I have the PMDG 737, ATR, and several other aircraft I have purchased, all of which do not have this issue. It is only the A320 which has the issue.  I have no cockpit warnings and I have tried testing with and without programmed flight plans. All in all this has become a challenge to sort out. 

I am at a very big loss as to where or what to try next.  So any help or support would be very welcome as this is becoming very frustrating

Cheers Rob.

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Hi Rob! 

Sorry to hear you're experiencing these issues. First of all, have you double checked that no assistance options are enabled under "Assistance Options" in the MSFS settings?

You also mention that you've tried messing with the EFB, but just to make sure, have you enabled "Rudder controls tiller"? 


Community Manager 
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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Hi Eddie, 

Hi can confirm that I have no assistance options selected in MSFS, It was one of the first things I checked. I have always been happy with how the aircraft fly in Sim so never seen the need to activate any of them. 

I has tried the "Rudder controls tiller" enabled and disabled. Again this did not have any effect no matter which option was selected. 

As I say I am at a bit of a loss at the moment. 


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Hello again,

Can you please check your turbulence settings. The aircraft uses the new CFD model which in turn makes it susceptible to winds at the "Realistic" and/or "High" turbulence setting. I recommend to set it to "LOW" and try to reproduce the issue. (This setting is found in Assistance Options -> Piloting and at the bottom "Turbulence")

If this does not resolve the issue, make sure you haven't accidentally set your rudder trim to a positive L/R value. Center it at 0,0 and try again.

If both those options do not work, please attach a screenshot of your bindings under controls for Rudder Axis & Brake settings. 

Thank you! 

Community Manager 
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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Moring Eddie, 

Okay I followed your things to check, and strangely turning the turbulence setting to "LOW" seems to have cured the aircraft turning right. 

Oddly though I did a check with it set to back to how it was originally, if I tried it from the other end of the runway, same weather and all that it still turned right, I would have expected to see it turn left if it was a weather issue. 

Anyway issue cured, just need to work out the quirks in the aircraft, for some reason I can not select "Managed mode"  on any controls, (LNAV and VNAV) unless I do a direct to in the FMC flight plan first. 

All very odd


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