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flight control problems

Go to solution Solved by richboy2307,

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 Well i was almost ready to pushback for taxi when realized, the Ecam show me the roll and spd brk doesn't work... so i has looked up to the overhead panel to see what's happening with my flight control, and i saw, the "SPLR & SPD BRK" 7 fault, 6 fault, 5 fault, 4&1 fault, 3&2 fault, And finally on the "PITCH FEEL" sys 2 fault... so i had turn theme off then on and... nothing, even on the tablet no maintenance for the wings... SO my question is, what i'm supposed to do?, or i have to restart my flight?  😞 I'm already down to the A300 as I'm having problems with my A310 with the flight plan (a kind of L NAV problem) and HDG.



  • Solution

Hi @ThibaudBenjaminVandenhoven, I notice your engines aren't running as yet. As the hydraulics are driven by the engines, can you check if it works fine *after* you have started your engines? What I see on your screenshots seems normal for an engine-off situation as the BGY (Blue,Green,Yellow) hydraulic systems aren't pressurized as yet.

However, in case you still notice an issue after starting the engines, can you please check your assistance options to ensure all the AI Assists under Piloting, as well as assists such as "autorudder" are disabled? They are known to have caused issues in the past.

Also if you're on PC, you can try to clear the contents of this folder below such that the plane will recompile all files "fresh" on next launch of the A300:

The location will vary depending on which version of MSFS you have:

  • Steam Version:

%APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600

  • MS Store Version:



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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


No worries, happens sometimes. The other day I during testing I was tired and spent a good 5 minutes trying to diagnose a fault with acceleration, not realising that I had somehow forgotten to raise my gear after takeoff. Oops😅

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Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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