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Custom Waypoints with LAT/LONG Coordinates


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What's the format for entering LAT/LONG waypoints in the MCDU?  Tried various formats and it won't take any.  I was able to create some custom waypoints under the "Waypoints" menu, but then it wouldn't let me add them.


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Hello....  Anybody.....?

Should be a pretty straight forward answer. 



1.  The format for entering a LAT/LONG waypoint is......


2.  Sorry, it is not currently possible to make custom LAT/LONG waypoints.   


Can anyone from iniBuilds please comment?

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Hi @BottleCap

LAT/LONG waypoint entry is not yet possible on the FPLN page in the current public build but will be added in the future. It is also a customer option IRL, meaning not all a320neos would be able to do it. The definitive way is to do it via the "Waypoints" menu.


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
IniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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Ok, thank you for getting back to me.   I did create a custom fix in the waypoint menu, but then I was not able to add the custom fix to my flight plan.  Might have been a finger fault though, I'll try the waypoints menu method again and see how it goes.

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