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Inibuilds has yet again released an aircraft where time acceleration (fuel consumption, stop watch) is not working.

Will you guys ever get this fixed, just spoiles the expierence for an overall well done aircraft 

With the A350 and A380 in the pipeline this would be much appreciated 😁



As mentioned on our discord, its under consideration. Additionally, to manage expectations, it isn't a minor fix that can be delivered in the short-term.

We understand why people request it, and the importance of such features would only grow with products like the A350 and A380, so we would like to incorporate such features on it and possibly roll them back into previous products eventually. We appreciate your understanding.


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


I aslo noticed that the a320 v2 has difficult managing waypoint turns at x4. It keeps overcompensating the flight path back and forth after a turn.

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