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Since SU15: I’m using Thrustmaster TWCS throttle encountering a problem after using reverse. Reverse on throttle axis is set to no. I normally engage reverse with F2. When I increase thrust thereafter moving the throttle beyond idle this leeds to reverse instead of thrust increase. This problem occurs only with the A310.


HI @skydiver6547
I have my throttles mapped to bravo throttle quadrant. I set the throttle axis to IDLE, used F2 to engage reversers, then move the throttle axis levers forward and am able to go into FWD thrust immediately.

Please try to reset your calibration.


If that doesn't work, check your Throttledata.ini file from the locations below. Ensure that the "reverse_on_axis = false" is seen. 

%APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\microsoft-aircraft-a310-300\work

MS Store:



Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Thank you for the hints

Resetting calibration didn't help. My Throttledata.ini corresponds to your information.

Meanwhile I found a workaround. I reset reverse with F1 and slightly  increase thrust with F3 beyond idle. Therafter the TWCS Throtlle functions normally again until the next deployment of reverse. Perhaps there is a incompatibilty problem between TWCH Throttle and the aircraft as i didn't encounter such a problem with any other aircraft.


What axis have you mapped your throttles to? Can you please share a screenshot of your EFB Throttle calibration page, alsoyour ThrottleData.ini file?


Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com


Hi richboy2307

I'm happy to send you the requested sacreenshots. Throttle Axis is Joystick L-Axis Z (reverse axis needed for the Thrustmaster TWCS)I. Just to confirm no such ptoblem on any other aircraft e.g. PMDG, Fenix etc.  I hope it helps to find the problem.


Thrust Lever Calibration 1.png

Thrust Calibration 2.png

A310 ThrottleData.ini.png


Thanks for sharing @skydiver6547

Ok I found the issue. If you're using  a single `Throttle Axis``,, then the issue you described occurs.


However if you are using ``Throttle 1 Axis`` and ``Throttle 2 Axis`` (which is what I was doing as I have 2 separate levers on the BravoTQ, one for each engine), then it is working properly.


The bug is logged and we'll look into it.

But in the meanwhile, you can get around this by assigning the same axis (Joystick L-Axis Z as you mentioned above) to both ``Throttle 1 Axis`` and ``Throttle 2 Axis``. Do not use `Throttle Axis`. As below:image.png.9aad3eb8d65057831e810db9fb867aca.png



Vrishabh Sehgal @Richboy2307 )
Community Team Member & Tester
iniBuilds Ltd. | inibuilds.com

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