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A300 LNAV Issue


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I am on PC, and I purchased the A300 from MSFS's marketplace. Into the first flight, the aircraft performed flawlessly for about a half hour into a 1.5 hour flight plan, but then the NAV went off and it would respond only to HDG. FMS flight plan doesn't seem to track the aircraft progress and NAV was just not working. 
Another separate flight (after a sim & PC restart) had the A300 roll right immediately upon NAV engaging. HDG works and so it wasn't entirely ruined.
Bit of a digging around in discord made me realize that the current version is 1.0.6 (which fixes these issues), but the marketplace version is 1.0.3.

I just wanted to leave a note somewhere that I find this to be rather unfair - as releasing an older version of product that is known to have issues (albeit for some users) - is not a great practice. Having paid for an addon I expect it to work as advertised, and not having to wait an indefinite period of time before I can get to enjoy my purchase.

That being said, it is a nice model - just disappointed as I cannot use it much prior to it being fixed. 😞

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The problem is that neither inibuilds nor any other aircraft developer has any control over how quickly Microsoft will update a product on the Marketplace.

Ini can submit an updated build to the Marketplace immediately after it is produced, but then it is entirely up to MS how quickly they approve the update and make it available to customers. The approval process can take many days (or longer).

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Decisions bring consequences that are all uncontrolled by the decision maker.   When MSFS first came out I purchased a scenery from the Market.  Within two days I repurchased that scenery direct from another store and vowed I would never go back and even look at the market.  I would uninstall it if I could.  You will be, based on what I have seen, 4 weeks to 2 or 3 months behind in what the rest of us get.  Frankly, I am shocked the market is not on 1.0.0.  If you want different results you will have to change your purchasing choices.

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Mark "Crabby" Crabtree AAL311 | PHL
I7-9700KF | 2070 Super | Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo | MFG Crosswind


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Yes, I have to agree here. I will never buy from them again unless it's absolutely necessary. If possible, though highly unlikely, see if MS will do a refund. If so, come back and buy directly through iniBuilds. I hope it works out for you as the A300 is my #1 right now.

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Thank you all for weighing in. 🤝

I guess this one's on me lol. Lesson learnt.

Just happened to take the easier route as this wasn't so high on my list. But definitely a great model, and I do enjoy the A310. Thought this would be a straightforward purchase and a nice addition. Will wait for an update if / when it comes. I do not think there's a refund option sadly.  & I still do not agree with IniBuilds releasing an older version with known issues rather than having a proper one released a bit later - on the marketplace. But then again...who am I lol. 

Enjoy. Peace! ✌️

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4 hours ago, harish1296 said:

I still do not agree with IniBuilds releasing an older version with known issues rather than having a proper one released a bit later - on the marketplace. But then again...who am I lol. 


Understand, Ver 1.03 was released to MS/Asobo a while back when it was released to the non-market clients.  It took them this long to "approve" it and get it on the store.  In the meantime, Ver 1.04, 1.05, and 1.06 have come to the non-market customers.  They were probably sent to MS/Asobo the same time they were released to us.  This is not on INI.  This is wholly on MS/Asobo and their procedures.  You will probably receive these updates in 2-6 weeks.  In the interim, us non-market users will probably be on version 1.10.  That is just the market client life right now. 

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Mark "Crabby" Crabtree AAL311 | PHL
I7-9700KF | 2070 Super | Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo | MFG Crosswind


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I just wanted to leave an update that I did manage to reach out to IniBuilds and was able to get mu purchase transferred over to the IniManager from Marketplace. They have a process in place that enables this. Hopefully this helps someone who is in a similar situation.

So borderline snide comments notwithstanding, I guess my 'purchasing choice' did not have much of an impact this time. 

Good day!

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8 hours ago, harish1296 said:

So borderline snide comments notwithstanding, I guess my 'purchasing choice' did not have much of an impact this time. 

Good day!

Really?  As a result of your purchase choice, you had to suffer in an old version and then go run to mom and dad to fix it.  Your choice also made you come into here and bash INI for things they do not control.  You made an uninformed choice.  Good luck trying that next time.  That is what I would call an impact.  Also, my comments are never borderline anything.  Offense cannot be given only taken and taking offense says more about the offended than the supposed offender.  I'm lucky I guess that the Marines took my feelings out when they removed my wisdom teeth.  

Mark "Crabby" Crabtree AAL311 | PHL
I7-9700KF | 2070 Super | Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo | MFG Crosswind


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