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Profile Mode: Speed Intervention?

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The A310 MCP has a speed intervention feature, whereas the A300 appears to not have this.

Whilst I cannot recall my differences training between the A300 & 310 in XP (too long ago!), I believed that the A300-600R featured the avionics and systems of the A310 with all improvements and updates.

Is there a way to speed intervene whilst in Profile mode?




Yes and no.  When you intervene with the speed though other changes occur too.  From the FCOM

TURN Sets the speed/Mach target value.
PUSH Allows a speed or Mach to be preset. The PRE SET
light illuminates. (Second push deactivates pre-set
function, and the PRE SET light goes off.)
PULL (while PROFILE mode is engaged) Causes a

manual reversion to selected modes:
– If in level flight, PROFILE mode disengages and
SPD mode (A/THR) and ALT mode (AP/FD)
– If in climb or descent, PROFILE mode
disengages and LVL/CH engages.
In both cases, the speed/Mach window
synchronizes on the present aircraft speed/Mach.

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Mark "Crabby" Crabtree AAL311 | PHL
I7-9700KF | 2070 Super | Honeycomb Alpha/Bravo | MFG Crosswind



In PROFILE mode is it shown somewhere what expected (indicated airspeed en vertical speed) speeds are?

13900K@5.6GHZ | RTX4090 | 32GB | DDR5 | Honeycomb A B | Virpil Stick Collective | TPR pedals | Saitek Panels | X Touch Mini  | Varjo Aero | Wacom Tablet | 34" Monitor | JBL LX44 speakers | SPAD.next | Navigraph | Skydemon


Or are they by definition the speeds depicted with flightlevel in the flightplan pages.

And then: why  cant I manually change the restriced speeds/altitude?


Vertical revisions to the  flightplan can be made at any point along the
route of flight



It says in the A310 FMS Pilot's Guide. Or is it only possible in a A310 and not A300?

13900K@5.6GHZ | RTX4090 | 32GB | DDR5 | Honeycomb A B | Virpil Stick Collective | TPR pedals | Saitek Panels | X Touch Mini  | Varjo Aero | Wacom Tablet | 34" Monitor | JBL LX44 speakers | SPAD.next | Navigraph | Skydemon


TACT mode is a temporary selection which remains active until the next phase of flight.

PROFILE follows the cues as shown in the MCDU.

PROFILE mode ALT & IAS/M can be changed by selecting the RLSK and entering new values (A300 & A310).


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