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PACKS OFF Operations


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Hey Ini,

Starting off with saying great aircraft by the way, fully enjoying it!

I'm doing packs off operations, running Pack 2 off during all operations on the ground and Packs 1 & 2 off during takeoff similar to the following video:

Now, when I start the engines I get a Pack 2 error upon start and have to clear it when it pops up, I then taxi out and during my line up procedure I turn off Pack 2, I then get the same error and have to clear it. In the above video this does not occur (I know we don't see engine start so maybe the error pops up then but I'm **Assuming** it's similar to the A320 where an error doesn't pop up. **Assuming** it's a similar process to the A320  this error is one that usually pops up in the air when you've been too slow to turn the packs back on.

Clearing the errors is a bit of a pain when trying to run the below the line checklists and line up on the runway while communicating with ATC.

Can this be checked and compared against the video above?

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