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L NAV not working when departed from certain airports

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Hello Team

A300 is a great plan apart from the fact that she does not follow the LNAV when I departed from certain airport eg. Narita or Duabi.

Please could you sort this issues, thanks.


Narita and Dubai with all runways and SIDs, I think the plane could not recognize certain SIDs, although very good modeling and system, what a sad isuu, please solve that.



I did a similar post few days ago.

To reproduce depart from Helsinki RWY 04R on the NUNTO4C SID. Aircraft does not follow the SID and FD stays on RWY heading (if autopilot on ac will fly RWY heading). It also happened departing Split airport. All other airport I flew out of had no issues. If I can give my 2 cents this is happening when first fix is really close to the runway followed by a sharp turn to the next fix

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