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1.01 - a300 continues to burn fuel when sim is paused (Esc)


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If I recall, this issue also exists (or at least existed at one point) with the a310.   The plane will continue to use fuel even with the simulator is paused.  This might account for some of the other reported failures of "everything turning off".   - Everything is turning off because the plane ran out of fuel when unpaused. 

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Yes it seems that they either took the code of the a310 to build the A300 and never  fixed this bug along with the aircraft becoming uncontrollable when unpaused or else they coded it the same way and ignored the reports of the A310 issues.  At one point I thought I saw a post that they did have these bugs fixed in the A310 and were waiting on ASOBO to incorporate the fix in the updates but maybe I misread that or else they don't understand how to code it like other developers as I do not encounter this with any other paid aircraft I've purchased when I pause the sim.  It's unfortunate as that is really the only issue I have with the A310.  Hearing this issue has been ported over to the A300 is giving me pause as to if I want to purchase this aircraft then.  I may wait on the sidelines get further input on this issue.

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4 hours ago, JumboAg said:

If I recall, this issue also exists (or at least existed at one point) with the a310.   The plane will continue to use fuel even with the simulator is paused.  This might account for some of the other reported failures of "everything turning off".   - Everything is turning off because the plane ran out of fuel when unpaused. 

I am experiencing a total lost of control after pausing the Sim! The plane just starts to climb at a ridiculous rate and then drops to earth.

arent you experiencing this as well?

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If I remember the issue correctly from the A310, then both these problems seem somewhat related. In the A310 I could reproduce it by pausing the sim while the trim is running (e.g. due to autopilot input). This movement will continue in the background (just like the fuel usage) while the Esc menu is open, and when you unpause, the trim is just at max nose up or max nose down (same effect as if you held the trim up/down button for the entire duration the menu was open. Likeliness of it occurring can be reduced by trying to make sure not to pause while the trim is active (ideally turning off the AP before pausing).

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What is the workaround if you are not at the computer when the flight pauses.  I use the lorby tool to pause at a certain nm out from the airport prior to TOD.  Wonder if a person could adjust the trim before unpausing?

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