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Throttle config file (TCA Quadrant)


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This is what I have for the TCA Quadrant Throttle file. You can locate it at:  C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\packages\inibuilds-aircraft-a300-600\work 

You can try these settings and see if this would stop the reverse thrust on idle. For me it does work. Hope this helps you all. 

reverse_on_axis = true

reverse_1 = -0.987500
reverse_idle_1 = -0.727063
idle_1 = -0.574902
toga_1 = 1.000000

reverse_1 = -0.987500
reverse_idle_1 = -0.727917
idle_1 = -0.576001
toga_1 = 1.000000


Edited by Marcocessna84

Windows 11 Home Insider Preview 64-bit
CPU Intel Core i7 10700K @ 3.80GHz 
RAM 32.0GB Dual-Channel DDR4 @ 1066MHz (15-15-15-36)

ATI AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT 12GB Gigabyte)

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I have this one as well it works 


reverse_on_axis = true

reverse_1 = -0.987500
reverse_idle_1 = -0.591687
idle_1 = -0.517896
toga_1 = 1.000000

reverse_1 = -0.987500
reverse_idle_1 = -0.586438
idle_1 = -0.527051
toga_1 = 1.000000

Edited by jjstevens1029
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In general, make sure that the value for "reverse_idle_1 " is about 0.05 lower than the value for "idle_1",

for example: 

idle_1 = -0.50

reverse_idle_1 = -0.55

This way, the throttles will have a small but sufficient dead zone to switch from reverse to forward thrust. This solution also works fine with inibuilds' A310.


Happy flying!


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