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Operating Bulk Cargo Hatch Causes Overstress/Critial Damage


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v1.01 (v1.00 too)
Freighter (RF) variant


Opening the Bulk Cargo hatch when parked at ramp causes the plane to crash (I don't mean CTD. I mean the message that is something like "you have overstressed your aircraft and caused critical damage". This happens when all other cargo doors are open (Main, Fwd, Aft) and you then open Bulk Cargo.  Maybe this is normal. Maybe you're not supposed to have all open. Just thought I should report it.

Reproducible at KLAX (iniBuilds) and KORD (FSDT). I used the EFB to open the hatch. It opens all right but about 2 to 5 seconds later the overstress occurs.

Work around: don't open Bulk Cargo.





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