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iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS v1.0.1 Released

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v1.0.1 of the iniBuilds A300-600R Airliner for MSFS has been released. This update fixes a variety of issue from block and ZFW fields not clearing on turnarounds as well as VNAV ToD improvements, including the DCT to bug causing crash bug. 

This update can be downloaded via the iniManager.


Fixed - Turnaround flight, block and ZFW fields not automatically cleared
Fixed  - DCT to bug causing crash bug fixed
Fixed - SFPI Speed brake light does not illuminate when speed brakes are extended 
Fixed -  TRP Should switch to GA at Slats extension
Fixed -  different F speed appears (depending on the 15/15 or 15/20 condition) 
Fixed - Wrong logic with the PRE-SET speed activation: Should only activate that speed when LVL/CH or ALT Selected or in ALT*
Fixed - ARC ILS rotation issue
Fixed - GSE items moving with rudder 
Fixed - Engine EGT reacts to fuel lever when engine is not started 
Fixed  -EHAM Runway degrees bug
Fixed - Pressurization gauges
Fixed -  Sim ATC reads COM3 by default
Fixed - Double P.DES FMA
Fixed  - Spawning on the RWY has no GW showing 
Fixed - GPU Indication issue 
Fixed - VNAV T/D improvements 
Fixed - Manual VOR/ADF tuning fixed 
Fixed - Above/Below waypoint constraints reversed on vert rev page
Fixed - Temperature limit in FMC fixed 
Fixed - APU low fuel pressure ECAM should go if any of the left hand pumps are on and isolation valves open
Fixed - Cabin Alt jumping up for seemingly no reason
Fixed - Active fix should be white on ND
Fixed -  Returning from pause can cause engines to cut out
Fixed - Green FMC glow present in C&D
Fixed - Cargo CONT knob issue fixed
Fixed - Spoilers in flight fixed
Fixed - Radio not working with Pro ATCX
Fixed - [v1.0.0] Yoke Movement
Fixed - FO sun blind isn't flipping down
Improved positions of light on tail  & fixed flipped turnoff lights 
Added commands for rudder via keyboard 
Removed CG autofill for erroneous GWCG calculation

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  • iniBuilds 1

Matt Y.
Head of Vendors & Partners | iniBuilds

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