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No Taxi to Gate Option


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! purchased the new airport today and it looks great!  Thank you for the new contribution!

However, upon landing (PMDG 737), there was no "Taxi to Gate" option, just "Taxi to Parking (GA), Takeoff Options. Ground Services, etc.).  All commercial airliners were getting instructions to taxi to General Aviation (GA) parking as well from ATC.  I noted the gates all identified as "Ramps" vice "Gates"; not sure if this is a factor.  I do understand that other commercial MSFS2020 scenery designers that have had this issue in the past, said they corrected it naming updates (don't know any details outside that) and/of parking sizes.  The size looks fine though in this case (I used GSX to select Gate 11 used by DAL).

Could I ask for your help with this?  It would be great to land and get "Taxi to Gate" for commercial airlines.   If I can help in any way, please let me know. Thank you!

Best Regards,

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