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Bug after update of MSFS

Go to solution Solved by hayer,

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After updating the last version of msfs a couple of days ago, it appears some issues with this aircraft:

IRS alignment does not work

No possibility to load flight plan either from simbrief or MSFS

Is there something missed?

Thanks to help




Heya 🙂

You're the first one to report these issues and I myself can't replicate it. Can you tell me exactly what you are doing / send me a screenshot of your overhead and INIT page of the FMC when the IRS isn't aligning?

Posted (edited)

9 h 10  pm :I swiched on bat and gpu from external power, then turned on the 3 button IRS alignment.   photo 1, photo 1 bis

No warning of IRS alignment on ecars photo 2

9H45 PM : No change no alignment photo 3

Then i Tried to change on efb alignment on instant mode , ..no change photo 4

I also have no possibility to include Simbrief flight plan.

On MCDU , I opened Acars page and click on simbrief sending  . Nothing happened,   No plan integration.  photo 5

Those failures came just after the last MSFS update . as this aircraft in in soft and not in community folder, no possibility to re install.


Thanks to help



photo 1

photo 1.jpg

Photo 2

photo 2.jpg

Photo 3

photo 3.jpg

Photo 4

photo 4.jpg

Photo 1 bis

photo 1 bis.jpg

Edited by hayer

IRS wont align if you haven't put in a city pair. Your FROM/TO isn't populated in the last screenshot, hence no alignment.

Once you enter an airport pair, you'll have the option to click ALIGN IRS in the FMC, and your IRS will align 🙂

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Ok thank you I did not noticed the subtility. Tried yesterday and work perfectly.


What about no simbrief OFP intégration?

Does I miss something?


If the Simbrief import doesn't work, there unfortunately isn't anything we can do. This seems to be an issue on the WASM API, and we reported this to Asobo. They have confirmed the issue and will come back to us with more information to resolve this.

It could also be possible, that you turned off your Online functions in the options / they got turned off by the sim. The import will also fail if that is the case.

  • Solution

Hello,   the bug was from the last update of msfs which disconnected the link to online function. You were on the good way.

It works perfectly now.

Many thanks for your help, and continue to create aircrafts as good as A310. It is a pleasure to fly with!


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