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Everything posted by EFRAIN

  1. Probably I did but whats related with engines running with parking brake? I did engine 2 and right after start the engine was accelerated
  2. Hi, after push back as soon as I start the right engine, the plane accelerate on its own, I didnt click any auto throttle, both throttles are down but no idea whats going on, why the plane accelerates, thanks for any help!
  3. Hi, I tried to add my simbrief to the efb but keeps saying unable to pull the flight plan, I checked multiple times and I have the right ID number also tried the nickname and same thing, any ideas? thanks.
    Sorry for my ignorance but the matavia mod works in xplane 12? just checking, your liveries are amazing but I no longer use xp11 so I wanted to make sure, thanks!
    If you can please do AAL, im sure they will look amazing also! and NKS thanks for all you do!!
    All your liveries look amazing!! thanks!!
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    Wow thanks for doing this one!! I work at KMCO and I see this 767-200 all the time (the N version), thanks much!!!!! we need a dirty old looking 767-200
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  4. will do, thanks.
  5. All good, MDPP is a nice airport to approach but not many people are doing anything for it.
  6. do they work on v4.5 also? i have most of those airports on v4.5 now, waiting on v5 to be more stable. Thanks
  7. Hello all, Anyone knows where can I find a GSX profile for the Spectre MTPP airport? the original one the jet ways wont move 😞 thanks for any help!
  8. Oh wow thanks much!!!
  9. Thanks @Sgt_Tailor yes I want the gsx profiles for those birds, thanks and sorry.
  10. Hello guys, Anyone can share the feelthere embraers profiles for all 4 variants? Thanks.
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