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Everything posted by F737NG

  1. West of the airport and between the reservoirs, there is a noticeable misalignment. It is an improvement on the alignment that appeared in your v2 scenery. If you could take a look at getting this to line up a little better in a future patch, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. F737NG

    Some small fixes

    Sorry, I've tested the scenery again without other add-ons in the community folder. This problem is clearly caused by another add-on, object library or both. Please ignore. Taxiway Papa, between November and Papa 4, the taxiway centre lights and centreline are not aligned. I feel like I'm nitpicking with the rest of these : Taxiway Kilo at the stopbar next to Stand E7, the taxiway centreline is misaligned. Lead in lines next to Stand E8 on taxiway Kilo isn't as good as elsewhere. Junction of taxiway Papa and November isn't as good as elsewhere. Junction of taxiway Yankee4 and Kilo4 isn't as good as elsewhere. Junction of taxiway Victor and Kilo isn't as good as elsewhere. Junction of taxiway Yankee and Bravo isn't as good as elsewhere. Thanks.
  3. F737NG

    Some small fixes

    Thanks for the reply: My MSFS settings: https://imgur.com/FXdRRds https://imgur.com/rxk1dfM I agree, from other devs' comments, terraforming isn't easy. If the team can, it would be a 'nice-to-have' set of fixes. No setting in iniManager turns the de-icing trucks off for me. Aeroplanes disappear, but not the trucks. 🤷‍♂️ No other KDTW scenery. I have many library object add-ons and object placements in my community folder. One of these may be getting called up, rather than one of your objects. Will test. There are more taxiway lines. I will revert when I get a chance to take another look this evening.
  4. First of all, I really like the new scenery. For a v1.0, I think you've done a great job! If you were to fix a few areas, I think you would turn this into an even better add-on. some obvious texture differences on the taxiway bridges over John D Dingell Drive feels weird that there's no guardrail modelled on the bridge for taxiway Foxtrot terrain modelling issues—they jar when there's very good textures and terrain modelling right next to these lower quality areas some floodlights are misplaced near the de-ice pads. Aircraft would either drive straight into them or clip wingtips de-icing trucks can only be turned off manually by renaming the 'kdtw-scene-winter.bgl' file in the kdtw-scene folder most taxiway lines across the airfield have been drawn beautifully when merging with others, some less so feels a bit strange to animate shuttle doors and platform edge doors opening and closing when there are no passengers at 'stations' or on-board shuttle. The linked text above takes you to screenshots of the issues that I'm describing. Overall, I'm happy to have bought it already.
  5. Hey @iniBuilds, Congrats on getting KDTW released. Installed and about to try it out. In your update of EGLL to v3, could you please update taxiway Kilo (remove the construction site and replace with simple concrete apron and taxiway textures)? It's finally finished in the real world. Thanks.
  6. Looks great! Keep optimising for good performance. And thanks for returning to older sceneries to bring them in-line with the standard of this upcoming release.
  7. The changelog and preview images for v2 look impressive! Another thing I'd like to see is an 'none / some / all' type option available for 3D modelled people. This would give users the choice of having passengers + workers, and at the user's preferred density in the visible terminal interiors (or not). IMO, the fantastic interiors look quite sterile without people present.
  8. Sorry for late response, appears to be in current scenery. (See screenshot below). The latest update looks promising!
  9. The multistorey car park isn't aligned correctly with the base photo imagery. That's why you can see the circular ramp ortho image when it should be covered by the vehicle ramp model. It's also why the model intrudes into one of the vehicle lanes towards the right of the above image. Please fix simple placement issues like this around the airport.
  10. I know it's a minor detail, but taxi lines go under the runway numbers. Not on top as you have drawn. iniScene Real world Please also note that the taxi centre lighting alternates yellow and green from the stop bar on the taxiway until the end of the taxi line on the runway (as per above).
  11. Performance and night lighting improvements are a must.
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