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Everything posted by boncuk

  1. Hey, just had a WASM crash when I chose "New Destination" on the arrival airport and entering my new destination (LFPO). It froze right after I clicked "INSERT TMPY*" Original route was KLAS-EGLL. Aircraft: A350-1000 Simulator: FS2020 Navdata Method: NAVIGRAPH OFP: attached. WASM Error: attached. Specs: 5900X, RX 6900XT, 32GB KLASEGLL_PDF_1741016168.pdf
  2. I still logged in on Navigraph because I think you still need it for the up to date airac and OANS (which is working for me). Try to log out and log in with a new code again? It's the terminal charts that are not working tho, they are already aware of that!
  3. Can confirm, but funny thing, I just received the same message but the map was still working somehow lol (MSFS 2020)
  4. UPDATE: So I've only had this happen once, probably while browsing several status page but I'm sure it happened when I pressed the video button. Just do not touch this button and your flight will be fine! (MSFS 2020)
  5. Hey, just reached CRZ altitude and before that everything went fine. All of the displays are frozen now (except EFB) & most of the buttons are not working but still have animations. Any ideas?
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