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Everything posted by ArcticPilot

  1. I bought it and I can´t see any problem yet using it with ortho4XP. At least it does not block the ortho tiles so I am very happy with it. I do agree with @Oldal with his points and also would like to see few static airplanes at least as a option.
  2. Is this airport compatible with ortho4XP? Does it use custom mesh?
  3. I just installed iniManager (v1.0.3) two days ago and installed all my product with it, A300, A310 and Beluga (all for X-plane). I had to activate all the planes again with no issues. Today I open the iniManager and it is telling me that none of these product are installed??? There was one change I made for all these plane but I replace the airplanes icons with the standard X-plane icons (I don´t like these engines icons). Can this be the problem?
  4. I just bought A300 few days ago and absolutely love this plane. So much that I immediately bought Beluga when it was released and will also buy A310. I hope you will make A380 for X-plane 11. Also A350 would be cool in 2022-3 🙂
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