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Posts posted by jwilson0514

  1. Well at least its being worked on. This bug was happening before the latest update. There is another Topic on this were a bunch of people posted on.  Now its more apparent to most users. Can confirm its still doing it.




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  2. 8 hours ago, WoodBein said:

    Into Brussels via KOK8A STAR and KERRY Trans. ILS 01 AP chosses not to fly into NIVOR instead a rightern turn it chosses a leftern turn.

    Screenshot 2024-01-11 170307.png

    Yup this is exactly how my flight was behaving. There is a bug in the AP nav system. The AP just veers off the course at a steady rate.  AP command bars says turn  to the correct path but the AP system does nothing. 

  3. Also can confirm erotic behavior with the AP. Did a flight from KMSP to KBOS. Double checked flight plan and entered it in FMS without a hitch. Flew that same plan earlier in a different plane no problems. As soon as i took off I engaged the AP and the AP just holds an attitude in the complete opposite direction. Disengaged the AP tried again and still the AP command bars  are not following or doing what is supposed to do. So i flew the Route for a period of time and try to reengage the AP and still AP is lost and wont follow correct path. KMSP/30L N0458F330 WLSTN7 GRB DCT DAYYY Q140 HANKK Q935 PONCT JFUND2 KBOS/15R was the route i followed. 

  4. Title is pretty simple. This is on the passenger variant.  Just downloaded new update and started at KSLC activated jetway and the emergency slide activates. Okay, so I push the tablet button to retract it and nothing happens. Didnt do anything out of the ordinary. Got out of the sim and reloaded the flight same place and still pops out the  emergency slide when activating the jetway. Cannot retract slide on the tablet nothing happens. Ive tried  multiple times. 

  5. Hello, I know you guys recently updated the INI manager and the recent patch is buggy. Every time I open the INI manager it freezes. So then I uninstalled the Manager redownloaded it entered my email and login. When I push enter to submit my Login Info Details nothing happens. Doesnt say my email or login is incorrect is just spins and then stops and doesn't do anything. 


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