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Dani0100 last won the day on June 11 2024

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  1. Dear Inibuilds, first of all, thanks for bringing this beautiful plane to MSFS/MSFS2024. I can’t wait for the release and fly this masterpiece. Day 1 buy! question: does the A350 also has simulated wheel tire like the Airbus A300 has? I didn’t saw/read anything about that but was wondering if its simulated per livery. Looking forward for the answer, again, thanks for bringing this plane to the MSFS platform. Greetings, Dani Zijlmans
  2. Dear Inibuilds team, Since the new EGLL version V3.1.0 I complete reinstalled the scenery, but after reinstall, the inimanager still pop-up as "update available" for EGLL, when clicking on : update" it complete remove the scenery for me and reinstall it, the manifest.json file shows teh correct installed version. Here some pictures of proof. I had this similar issue with Ibiza but seddently it was fixed. Could you guys take a look into this? EDIT: Now it flickers from "update available" to "installed" and back to "update available". And is it true there is only a "LITE" GSX preset? Last time there was a option with "LITE" and a "Full" GSX profile.
  3. Yeah, it seems like compared with the X-Plane version that the main cargo door in MSFS going way faster open than the X-Plane one. I have no idea how fast the A300 main cargo opens but it looks like that in XP its nicely moddeld and in MSFS I miss this
  4. The animations of the main cargo door in X-Plane looks way more realistic since the MSFS version goes straight away up and the Xplane version it goes really slow. Is this gonna be implemented as well in MSFS?
  5. Im wondering if the Inibuilds/Asobo A310 will be in MSFS2024 as default aircraft?
  6. Can comfirm it is now working for me! Thanks
  7. After updating my Inib LEIB scenery to V1.2.0 it still show as "update ävailable". But, all the new features like the option manager etc is already build in in my current build but still show as update available.
  8. I now after 2 flights with V1.0.6 I experienced that when I want to descend manually with the vertical speed it set the manual -/+ vs to 0. Idk if this is a bug
  9. Idk I`f im the onliest with this issue but with done 2 flights and watching YouTube video`s I`ve seen much more users have this issue
  10. I noticed this weird texture glitching on the spinners when starting up the engines.
  11. After a nice flying rotation and docking in at the parking spot my parking brakes wouldn`t activate
  12. I dont know if this is a bug but the whole flight (and even with anti ice on) the TAT in icing range keep eliminating onthe display and when the message dissapears form the display I turned off the anti ice system and the message pop-ups again
  13. At the gate when spawning in in cold and dark I clearly can see that my taxi lights are still on but they are off and also when putting the gear up or down the lights are shinning in the cockpit. - When turning off the strobe lights its still flickering, as well as other lights
  14. When 20FT appears and try to flare the plane it doesn`t matter in what angle I put the plane but its feeling like its dropping out the skies and the rudders are going everywhere, left, right and is really sensitive
  15. Handflying in this plane is a must to do in clearly skies but when manual trim the plane up or down its reacting to quick on the imput, there is no delay or it goed smooth
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