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Everything posted by codylang

  1. Figured it out...Was the WASM causing problems
  2. Did a flight yesterday just fine...Today..throttle doesn't work...but works in the A321...but none of the A330-200 or 300.
  3. Thanks for letting me know about the .11 update. I was on .10. So will try this out later today!
  4. Quick update...So I am learning that even removing the work folder doesn't do anything in my attempt to remove it before launching MSFS. So I restarted the sim, left the folder to see if having it deleted matters. From what I gather, I am seeing if I just restart the sim, after starting it once then it'll work. FP worked this time. So will make the return flight back to SDF from KONT. Just wanted to post some of my findings.
  5. Finished my flight from KSDF/KONT just fine. Although it's true, every time you load into the A300 (Atleast for me) I have to delete the work folder before launching the sim, or else Simbrief upload won't work. I've tried reloading the aircraft, but I still get the problem until I delete the folder and restart the sim completely.
  6. I tried restarting the flight, but still had empty boxes...Ended up deleting the work folder again and it worked...Loading up a flight from SDF/ONT in the new PW variant. Just something to add too...After deleting the work folder twice...I never had to re-calibrate my throttles or settings...Everything seemed to save there...but it did fix the ACARS problem temporarily.
  7. I have this problem too. Worked when I deleted the work folder...but wanted to do a flight today. Problem came back even after deleting the work folder.. I don't have any spaces in my simbrief ID.
  8. I gave it a try at other airports and it seemed to work. So must be just KSDF after 1.0.3. Didn't have the problem before, but I can add in the OAT manually its fine. Just was totally confused how something that worked before, now doesn't. So seems to be just a FSDT KSDF thing, hopefully. The only other bug that was concerning was on decent not having any SPD/MACH control. Even in LVL/CH the A/THR would stay ---. Anyways, my apologies for any frustration.
  10. I did, and it doesn't fill it automatically. What do you not understand?
  11. Maybe be a little kinder next time
  12. Well before it worked automatically. For some reason it doesn't work because you broke it.
  13. I noticed after adding the OAT..Which in previous version it did it automatically it then worked. Though usually the conditions are sync'd automatically..for some reason they're not.
  14. Same...I can't put in performance data. Says, "Unable to find safe performance data". Nor does SPD/Mach work on decent, just --- regardless of what I do. Never had any of these problems till 1.0.3. Would like to go back to 1.2 in all honesty.
  15. Same...I can't put in performance data. Says, "Unable to find safe performance data". Nor does SPD/Mach work on decent, just --- regardless of what I do. Never had any of these problems till 1.0.3. Would like to go back to 1.2 in all honesty.
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