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  1. hallweston's post in FBX modeling file of paintkit and original GLTF modeling do not match was marked as the answer   
    This is to do with how MSFS compresses the UV coordinates for MSFS. It rounds the coordinates to a lower decimal which in turn slightly moves the UV. The model you have is the UV the aircraft was textured with. This is one of the reasons assets heavily utilize decals in MSFS 2020/2024. 
    - Weston
  2. hallweston's post in PMDG NGXU was marked as the answer   
    This is a P3D issue that’s a result of the Anti-Aliasing method they use. 
  3. hallweston's post in West Atlantic 737-800BCF (G-NPTA, G-NPTB) 1.0.0 was marked as the answer   
    There is two versions. One for the pax version that’s faked and another that’s for the BCF make sure you have the proper one installed. 
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