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  1. I use the FBX file provided to Paint Kit to create livery using a blender or 3D Max. But in the FBX file However, during the work process I checked the color lines or airline decals of the livery clearly applied in advance through a blender or 3d max but when applied to simulators, some decals and lines drawn are not uniform and look crushed So I compared the original gltf with the uv map of paintkit fbx file The paint kit FBX uv map is soft but the uv of the original gltf is crushed English is not my language so I may lack explanation but I attached reference images
  2. Thank you so much!
  3. My KJFK file format is not dds but agn file format
  4. Hello I downloaded KJFK dynamic lighting for FSDT, but couldn't find the following dds file. I'm using FSDT-KJFK V2, but can't I find it because the version is different? Or is it possible to produce dynamic lighting for FSDT KJFK V2? - JFK_roof_01_lm.dds - JFK_roof_02_lm.dds - JFK_roof_03_lm.dds - JFK_roof_04_lm.dds - JFK_roof_05_lm.dds - KJFK_SF01_LM.dds - KJFK_SF02_LM.dds - KJFK_SF03_LM.dds - KJFK_SF04_LM.dds - KJFK_SF05_LM.dds
  5. I disabled the halomap_lm file, and I solved the problem!, I think the halomap_lm file is not compatible with P3DV5 version
  6. Hello I am using P3D V5 platform and have Thai Creation VMMC-Macau for FSX installed on P3dv5 And I installed the dynamic lighting and gsx file provided by ini, but a black triangle box appears on the street light as shown in the attached photo in night mode And I installed iniBuilds Dynamic Lighting Effect Library and p3d.cfg, MAX_POINT_LIGHTS=250 MAX_SPOT_LIGHTS=250 I also adjusted the value to 1000, but it was the same.. Is there a solution?
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