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  1. No worries. Did you make sure to remove the chocks? Without doing so will prevent the aircraft from moving on the ground.
  2. Could you reverse the action the middle mouse scroll wheel has on switches? Using the Seatbelt switch and an example, currently, scrolling forward turns the switch to the aft or down position (OFF) and scrolling backwards turns the switch into the forward or up position (ON). I think these actions should be reversed.
  3. So you see your throttle movement on the tablet and set your throttle positions for idle, climb, flex, and toga but the throttle still aren't working for you on the ground?
  4. When you go to the calibration screen in the 350, does it see any throttle movements?
  5. If you hit Tab to bring up the MSFS2024 EFB, do the LIDO charts appear there?
  6. I was able to complete a 3+ hour flight successfully with TCAS off.
  7. Take a look at this thread. Can anyone else confirm? It's running for me so far.
  8. Take a look at this thread. So far so good for me. Can anyone else confirm? .
  9. So far so good. I'm in the middle of a flight and have gotten further than ever before. Not using TCAS and not using any Navigraph functionality just to be sure. I think the OP is on to something.
  10. Do you have the latest versions of GSX and the A350 installed?
  11. This doesn't seem to be working. The only thing I'm able to select is to have fueling begin using a % fuel value, not the value imported in from Simbrief unless I'm not following the correct sequence of steps.
  12. @refhat21Take a look at the iniBuilds A350 manual page 68. Make sure the VHF1 microphone button (Item 7) is selected (green) and the reception knob (Item 8 ) is pulled out and volume adjusted.
  13. Same. I cleared out my WASM contents just prior to my latest attempt. When I first loaded my 1000, I could click on the battery switched to powerup but power would not come on. I restarted and they worked but as I was getting ready to pushback from the gate, all the screens froze. Hope iniBuilds is able to put out a hot fix soon.
  14. I hope there is a more comprehensive solution in the works besides requiring customers to clear their WASM folder all the time.
  15. Will we have realistic simulations of: Passenger boarding Baggage handling Aircraft cleaning/servicing Aircraft refueling Cargo and mail handling etc.? Having the aircraft loaded instantly ruins the immersion for preparing for a 350 flight. Maybe with a GSX integration?
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