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Miles Turner

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  1. I've tried everything to close this door. The manual button on the ground menu on the EFB does not work at all. Nothing works. Is this happening for anybody else? It's so frustrating.
  2. I back this. Every other aircraft I've used has had this feature.
  3. Did the normal startup procedure like I've always done every time and it refuses to start. Sooooo frustrating, inibuilds please fix this.
  4. Every time I try to land the aircraft, it is impossible. My control inputs are super delayed and sluggish. Note that when doing the flight control checks before takeoff, the ailerons and spoilers move super slowly compared to how fast I'm moving my control column. I don't have this issue on any other aircraft. Does anybody know a fix?
  5. I had the exact same issue. I fixed it by updating my sim to the SU2 beta (sim update 2 beta). I have the Steam version, so it may be different if you have the Microsoft Store version. The way to update it is by opening steam > right clicking MSFS 2024 > Properties > Betas > In the dropdown, click "flight_sim_2024_beta - Sim Update 1". Make sure the sim is closed and you clear your WASM before reopening the sim. Worked a treat for me, and now the aircraft performs amazingly. Hope this helps.
  6. On a flight from Auckland (NZAA) to Chicago (KORD) today, I ran into an issue with the auto step-climb. When it passed the step-climb waypoint, it changed to the descent phase and did not initiate the climb, staying at FL350 instead of climbing to FL370. The only way I fixed it was by manually pushing the ALT selector knob in which it climbed to my desired altitude (whilst still in the descent phase) and only changed back to the cruise phase when reaching the desired cruising step-climb altitude. Is anyone else experiencing this, or am I just dumb?
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