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Everything posted by natcret

  1. Awesome as always! Keep up the great work!
  2. Concur with Bandit. I also own the FF A320 amd A350 and there is no comparison when it comes the iniBuilds models and their customer support. The A300 and the Beluga has not been released as some beta or some other eary access models. They have been released fully operational and are a joy to fly. The FF aircraft I have had nothing but issues and problems with, especially with the A350. Case and point: FF released an update to the A350 over the past couple of weeks that brought back an issue to where the aircraft would crash five minutes after it was loaded. The issue was related to SASL which has been an ongoing issue with the A350 for a number of years. It has been fixed with the update that came out Saturday. Another example: the A350 released in 2016/2017 I believe. It did not even get SID/STAR functionality until July 2020. My point is that the FF A350 is still an ongoing development and has been for a number of years now. It is getting better, however, to FF's credit. The iniBuilds aircraft, however, are simply amazing on first launch and are hands down one of the best aircraft out there for X-Plane. I flew three flight in the Beluga on launch day with not one single issue. This is coming from someone who has been enjoying this hobby for almost 40 years. Cartographic, I don't know what has upset you regarding iniBuilds, but they have been upfront since day one. I respect your comment so do not take mine personally. There are a lot of other developers out that should take a page from iniBuilds book regarding customer service, listening to the community, and releasing fully operational aircraft. Regards, Todd
  3. First I hope that all at the iniBuilds team is stating safe. The announcement is great and I can't wait for its release. Personally, I don' care how long it takes as long as the quality of the aircraft as well as proactive interaction with the community is there. I have seen too many developers out there releasing things that, frankly, should have never been released until they were truly ready. The same goes for releases that came out under the guise of early releases that have fallen on deaf ears since. Look how long it took Flight Factor to update its A350. It is great to see that your team has not fallen into this trap and are truly marching to your the beat of your own drum based on your beliefs and goals. The 300 should have sent a message to other developers that quality, as well as excellent customer service, can co-exist. People will always have varying opinions. Respecting those differences is what makes life and this hobby even stronger. As a person whom has been simming since the release of Flight Simulator 2 (1984 version) and XPlane 7, it is great to see a developer like iniBuilds being proactive as well as listening to us; no matter if the comments are positive or negative. So you will see the 310, Beluga, and 380 in my hangar when they are ready. I just wish they would develop a 330/340 and 220 as well! 🙂 Keep up the good work!
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