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  1. My Goodness! It actually works!!! Why? I could not say but sure enough after picking a gate to spawn in at and then zooming out as far as you can go (at least until you see the UK in map form) then it loads in under 2 minutes!! Go Figure but Yahoo I'm in!! Many thanks!!
  2. Never mind You Tube Vids. Complex or not it shouldn't take 25 minutes to load Inibuilds EGLL and A350 which it is currently. I have a similar system i913900K, RTX4090, 64GB DDR5. Trying again now as we speak and it has just passed 23 minutes and still the magic circle........ Managed to get it to spawn in last night by first selecting just the active runway. Then tried again for a cold and dark at terminal 5 gate heavy and after 25 mins it worked. But this morning NADA......28 mins now..........
  3. Gasp, As above I have attempted several flights now and when BATC confirms Arrival STAR and other ILS info. try to input in to FMC only for it to totally erase my flight plan.........AAAARRRGH!!! This happens every time, making any IFR flight impossible. When will you fix this? V1.2? and When?
  4. Gasp, As above I have attempted several flights now and when BATC confirms Arrival STAR and other ILS info. try to input in to FMC only for it to totally erase my flight plan.........AAAARRRGH!!! This happens every time, making any IFR flight impossible. When will you fix this? V1.2? and When?
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