Hi All. Hoping that you can shed some light on this odd situation.
I purchased the plane from the MS Store as i was not aware that you could buy direct from Inibuilds at the time. Yes my mistake and lesson learnt.
When using the A350-1000 in MSFS 2020 using one of the inibuilds liveries i have no issues.
However since i started to use the sim many moons back i started my own virtual airline called Parsair.
I have liveries for the A320 FBW, The A330 and have just had one done for the A350-1000.
Issue is, the livery is not sitting correctly when i load it in to 2020.
If you take a look at the 2 images, the Designer image shows everything as it should be. However my image shows the issues marked in black squares.
After messaging the designer, he is saying that it is because i am using the MS Store version and still only have version 1.0.0 and he designed this on V1.0.2
So my questions to you is as follows.
Why would a version change cause the livery to fall out of place so much,
Could a version change cause this?
When is the update going to be pushed to the MS Store for 2020 and released in to 2024.
I would really appreciate any assistance you can offer.