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  1. Your CRZ FL is only FL180. Are your stepclimbs set correctly? If the FMC calculates your entire flight at FL180, your fuelburn will be way to high.
  2. "Select abnormal not sensed overweight landing!" 🤣
  3. Define "study level". Fenix is a pretty good sim and I do especially like the feature of mirroring the EFB to a separate tablet or phone to activate failures. That being said, it's still not comparable to a simulator used for crew training. Maybe to a flat panel trainer. If we could have a bit more system depth in the A350 (e.g. in the real aircraft abnormal non sensed procedures can be reviewed before being activated) and get the external EFB, that would be great.
  4. Planned a flight from MUC to JFK today using Navigraph. Charts work after update (msfs2020), but winds seem to be way off. That kind of ruins the ETA and fuel calculation. Is this a known bug or did I do anything wrong? BTW, real life A350 Captain here, I did the setup "according to the book". 😉
  5. They are customer dependant, so I guess they just used Airbus standard here, but being able to customize them would be great.
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