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Everything posted by Mandretti

  1. Frequently IniManager locks up and must be killed when trying to update install locations.
  2. When I go into Options and try to change the folder for installation the app locks up and I have to kill it with task manager. Doesn't happen every time - but frequently.
  3. Why would frame gen or lens correction have anything to do with this? You have to click on the same spot multiple times - you don't have to more around to find the sweet spot.
  4. OK - thanks for letting me know. Is there a known issues list or database or whatever so I don't have to keep posting stuff they already know about?
  5. So what's the status of my A350 if I did not clear WASM prior to updating the latest version? How can I recover from that? Can I just clear WASM after installing? I am having issues so want to eliminate that as a potential cause.
  6. I've had several issues with the FMS enroute while modifying the FP - either inserting a direct to or adding an Arrival prior to descent. In both cases my existing FP was deleted and no way to recover it. End of flight....guess you can't touch the FP after initial setup. After this happened the last time I attempted to flying without the FMS to complete the flight, but open descent did not work.
  7. I'm going to try different control configurations and sim settings and see what I can do. I'm sure it's something to do with that, although I have things set up pretty much the same with other aircraft with no issues. But....
  8. GSX doesn't work at all for me. It won't even start up. So no - not GSX.
  9. Same issue here. It's not about the MCDU moving around, it's completely stationary and you can click on the same MCDU control like 3-4 times before it does anything. I don't remember this happening early on - perhaps introduced with the latest update. Very annoying to be sure
  10. I'm having a weird issue with taxiing and take off. It's mostly happening around runways. Probably a configuration issue but could use some help. I am using a joystick axis for nosewheel steering and the same axis for the Airbus side stick roll, and I have set up the rudders for steering as well. Frequently as I am turning onto or nearing the runway at a turn, neither my joystick or rudder pedals work for turning. The aircraft just continues on straight. This is on MSFS2020 with the latest A350 build.
  11. Mandretti

    MCDU click lag

    Same here. Pretty annoying.
  12. Messing around on the FO side I somehow got it to show the complete menu, but have no idea what the sequence of actions was to get there because I was clicking on one thing after another with not much affect for quite some time. I cannot get that to switch to the captains side. Very frustrating. Also frustrating the turning on the beacon light after fueling removes the GPU and powers down the AC if the engines aren't running. Anyway I need some detailed documentation on how the OIP/EFB startup works. Haven't been able to find it. I would think the default behavior on powering up would be the capt side full OIP but that is not the case.
  13. When I power up the screen above is what is displayed on the capt side. FO side is blank. Clicking the View Offside button on either side does nothing. The green light on the View Offfside buttons that I've seen on YTs are not displayed.
  14. Just installed in MSFS2020 and starting up the first time. The title says it all - the Options. Situations and Failure menus are missing. And I have reinstalled twice.
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