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  1. Omg, I'm dumb - you're right. I didn't realize I had Auto-Rudder on for some reason. I turned it off now and tested and the aircraft followed my inputs correctly. Giving you a huge air hug - thank you!!
  2. Reporting the same issue on landing - when hitting reverse thrust and brakes above at least ~70kts-120kts (Ground Speed), the aircraft veers in the opposite direction that I'm pointing my input. When slowing down however below at least ~70kts, the aircraft starts pointing in the correct direction of my input. I was curious so I started doing test runs on a runway at least 30 times... I think the programming logic is set up to disconnect auto tiller or nose wheel steering at a high ground speed b/c when I brake manually and reverse thrust, I noticed that my inputs have to go in the opposite direction like mentioned above until I hit a low enough speed where my inputs will go in the correct direction.
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