Hello, I recently acquired the Airbus A350 made by Inibuilds. After some tests, although the exterior textures are good and the cockpit is of surgical precision, I am still very disappointed with the final product. Here are the points that made my experience poor:
The plane takes off far too easily, even though it is fully loaded with passengers, fuel, and luggage.
Exterior and interior sounds:
What I love most about MSFS2020 is listening to the engine start-up, or switching to passenger view to hear the engines in flight. Unfortunately, with this plane we don’t get that for example, when I’am in passenger view, no engine noise is heard, and it’s very frustrating.
Unavailable Navigraph charts:
It is currently not possible to use the Navigraph charts, which is very frustrating since I place a high premium on realism, and therefore I cannot do so during my flights.
Nonexistent cabin:
I was quite surprised that there is no interior cabin in this plane, which greatly disappointed me.
Jet bridge:
The jet bridge does not attach to the door of the plane, and that is frustrating.
To sum up, I think the plane has huge potential and I believe you should take inspiration from the PMDG 777 model, which really offers that sense of responsibility when conducting a flight, and also from the Fenix 320 because it’s much cooler when, for example, GSX automatically handles the catering, boarding, and refueling for us. I am counting on you this is one of my favorite planes in the MSFS2020 community.
Thank you for your response.