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About Swisspilot1986

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  1. I'm currently flying in cockpit at cruise in MSFS2020. I've the impression the noise in cockpit is much more grave and silent than in 2024. I've checked the noise cancelling option and sound cursors. All had the same settings in both MSFS versions. Is there really such a difference?
  2. Does anyone understand why the pitch trim in 2.9 up instead of 2.7 up? tks
  3. Does anyone know how to use MAN, LO or HI position? When you enter the number of passengers on the FUEL&LOAD page what position to choice? tks
  4. ok we hope so, so the team can care other items we pointed out while we can at least fly.
  5. I use traffic from FlyByWire and I only turn on TCAS on TA/RA during line-up, so it's on standby during taxi where the freeze arised. I've remade my entire flight and now I'm still flying in cruise. Cross fingers!
  6. please disable this effect at high altitude, as except contrails this blurry effect shall not be visible (see picture)
  7. brakes temperature are not related to outside temperature. I was 1h on ground before a first flight of the day (see picture)
  8. That's very frustrating. Try to clear and update also your computer with Ccleaner or else. Some bugs are also coming fro our own set.
  9. yes WASM was cleared before installing the update in MSFS2024
  10. during taxiing with all systems set for TO my entire sim freezed so I had to leave MSFS by leaving Windows. Please confirm I'm the only one in this case!
  11. I don't have time to test the new update. However, despite this add-on was released too early we can appreciate the team's reactivity and skills to update it regularly until now. In addition, valued feedbacks from this forum are heard. Customers have the right to be demanding. I'm convinced the team will make its best to implement them.
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  12. Despite most of us are AOG (Aircraft On Ground) since the last update I permit to share a video about the marvellous work on modelling and textures. Sometimes an enhanced workaround during maintenance makes sense.
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